“It’s a whole long boob story…”

This is the phrase I find myself uttering often. A dear friend, a colleague, or the lady at the makeup counter at Macy’s have found themselves in a conversation about my boobs. It doesn’t always start that way: a simple “how are you?” is a tricky question to answer these days. So by the time I’ve said “oh just killin’ this cancer” I can see their well meaning eyes start to cross. They completely glaze over as I’m detailing my fertility treatments (aka The Great Harvest of 2014), and before you know it, I’m drawing lines around my boobs with my fingers describing my future scars like a pectoral Picasso.

So sometimes I bail. “Oh, it’s a whole long boob story…”. Because it is. On September 24, 2014 at age 30, I was diagnosed with stage 2B ductal carcinoma: in-situ and invasive. Fancy words for breast cancer. Now as far as cancer goes, I have the Cadillac of tumors. It’s slow growing, highly treatable and not really interested in spreading. My doctor calls it an “old lady cancer.” I always knew I was ahead of my time! Picture a lump sitting in a BarcaLounger eating Cheetos and enjoying the warm, cozy studio apartment I’ve been providing for it on Left Breast Lane. No one would want to leave that, am I right? Well, sorry buddy.  I’m the landlord from hell and it’s eviction time.

Which brings me to chemo. Let me be clear when I tell you I did NOT want to do chemo. I begged, coaxed and flirted with every doctor I have in an attempt to avoid this. There were vanity reasons, of course. I’m a Leo and we lions love our hair. But there are fertility reasons too. Chemo is basically an indiscriminate A-bomb that gets dropped in your body, nuking everything in its path, but I’ve got some eggs in there that I wasn’t quite ready to cook. So I put a couple of those suckers on ice (see aforementioned Great Harvest) as a back up plan. Ok, check! Now back to being vain!

There are many unknowns in chemo treatment. The side effects are gnarly but it wasn’t guaranteed that I would experience all of them. Except one. Hair loss. I’m an actress. I make my living with my appearance to some degree. So being confronted with the idea of my whole body changing has been a tough one. Oh, and for the record, telling me how beautiful Natalie Portman looked with a shaved head or sending me pics of a waify Anne Hathaway is not helping. They do not have cancer. They do not have the nausea, bone pain or paralysis. They are not struggling to feel like themselves at every moment of the day. They just look really good with a buzz cut.

Which leads me to the blog! I desire to feel as great as I can during this time. I still want to be sexy, to take risks, to challenge what even I view as beautiful. So I’m pulling out all the stops. This is not time to bust out a beanie and hide. I’m going to try to live as loudly as I can. Cancer is not just an old person’s game anymore. There are many young, vibrant and fashion loving women out there who want to look their best, even when we’re feeling like crap. On this blog, I’m going to share my beauty tips, fashion ideas and diet changes that have altered my life drastically. And I want your help. If you have ever been affected by cancer, tell me your tips! If you’re just interested in my journey, send a hello or a word of encouragement! But most of all, enjoy! 2015 is my year with cancer. Might as well make it a beautiful one!

205 thoughts on ““It’s a whole long boob story…”

  1. YES!! “I’m going to live as loudly as I can.” YES!!
    In the few times that I’ve entertained the thought of ever being diagnosed with cancer (Do other people do this, too? Imagine their approach to different scenarios?), I’d imagine myself embracing it. “This is who I am for now” and it thrills me to see you taking this approach. Does it suck? Yes. But it’s the reality of where you are so why not live it out loud?
    (Fan background – I saw you in First Date, met you at Stage Door and chatted about people taking flash-photography and blinding you ha) Go get 2015!!

    1. I think this site is great! The Year of 2013 was my Breast Cancer Year. I was completely confused and upset, since I was 38 yrs. old, but once I made the decision on my treatment, I embraced it and had a good time with it. Sounds funny, I know. But my friends and I had a party for everything! I may not be a star on Broadway, but I openly admit, that I am very vain, and I found out, especially about my hair. Once it started falling out, and I couldn’t hide it anymore, we had a shaving party! It was awesome! We went out dancing to say bye to my boobs (which, I now have perky ones – thank you), and after my last chemo (and a few times during – though I am a bad patient, do not listen to me) we had margarita Monday. Fabulous idea about your eggs. I did have my ovaries removed, but we have all the children we had planned for, but it still was an unexpected solution to a problem that needed solving. If I was able to do this, I know anyone can do this. Sure it had its hard moments, but it would be a total dishonor to all those who made this ride a lot easier if I didn’t say, we had a lot of good times. By the way, our next party, is when I get my nipple tattoos.

  2. This is really amazing! My mom had breast cancer, and watching her go through it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. We got lots of mani/pedis to remind her she was still beautiful, and spent a ton of time trying all sorts of wigs! Best of luck with everything, and I’ll be following along on your journey!

  3. What a great idea to blog about such a challenging time! Having had 2 friends who had cancer this last year, it is a rough journey but not impossible. I was talking to a friend the other night who has a brain tumor (yikes, right?) and she was talking about all the things she understands now about life that she didn’t then. While I haven’t had cancer, I have a rare auto-immune disease, and I would say the same thing. Like you mentioned, it challenges your identity. Who will I be when I lose my hair? Who will I be after this experience? These are good meaty questions. Good thoughts your way. I hope you find all sorts of wisdom (and health and healing) during this challenging time.

  4. I have always admired your amazing talent and radiant good looks! I will be cheering for you! I think you have the right attitude about it all 100% and I think that will make a huge difference all around. My best friend had (hear that? HAD) cancer and she didn’t take any shit and kicked cancer’s ass. Just like you will.
    Please know that people out there that you have met once (outside First Date stage door) are sending positive vibes your way!!!! Subscribed to Chemocouture and loving it already!

  5. Been there, done that. It’s a crappy year of your life but then you’re good. Thanks for speaking out for all the younger women who say it can’t happen to them. Hope it’s a wake up call. I always say if you find it early your prognosis is good and if your prognosis is good you can stand the treatment. Hang in there!

  6. Hi Krysta,

    Thank you for sharing about your experiences with breast cancer. You are gorgeous and so talented (I loved you in Smash and First Date and on the Addams Family Musical cast recording!), and I love how your grace and sense of humor come through even when talking about such an extremely difficult and personal topic. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers as you undergo treatment, and I hope your family and your many friends and fans out there will be a source of support and encouragement to you as well.


  7. Hey Krysta,
    Wow! I have been a fan of yours for little while now and I’m an aspiring actress. Not only are you a fantastic actress, but an inspiring women. I didn’t realize you had been diagnosed and I think its so great that you’ve started this blog. Its great that when I’m dealing with teenager troubles, I can look and see how you’re pushing through this. Thank you for having a great perspective and keep it up. I wish you the best and will definitely being following the blog. Thanks again.

  8. Hi, Krysta! I have always been a huge fan of yours and have always seen you as an inspiration. Now, I see you as more of an inspiration. Thank you so much for being open about your journey and for taking it head on. The respect I have for you is out of this world. So many people want to hide their cancer, and I think it is so beautiful that you are embracing it and living with it. I can’t wait to follow you on this journey.

  9. Krysta,
    You have been my musical theatre icon since A Chorus Line! (Yes, I have followed you for that long.) Our range is pretty much the same, and I completely admire how you have handled yourself in this CRIZAZY business so many of us have willingly decided to embark in. I just wanted to come by and thank you for being so vocal about this and being an amazing role model for so many young people out there. Nobody (sadly) is immune to stupid cancer, but everyone has the ability to do everything in their internal power to kick its boo-tay! I have a (unfortunate) long line of breast cancer in my family, and I am honestly afraid every day to even do anything that may tell me that I am next. I am only 22 and this fear is starting to control me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this blog and allowing people and girls like me to express our gratitude of you! I know I am not your only fan out there, but I am a pretty big one. So thank you! Thank you for everything you have done. Keep that positive attitude and kick this things ass!

    Yours truly,

    1. I had the frotune of working for the breast cancer division after college. I am praying for you ..I am a man and we need to talk more about this, why are more of our women are coming down with this?

  10. Hi Krysta!

    What an amazing thing you are doing. I have followed you for years and really appreciate you as a person and artist! You have inspired me on many occasions and I thank you for that! I will continue to follow you on your new site! As an Surgical oncology Registered Nurse, the journey is rough and tough. Remember to surround yourself with love and have a positive attitude (which I’m sure you already have)! Sending you positive vibes and a big hug! I look forward to your ongoing and future projects!


  11. Hey Krysta!

    Just dropping you a line saying I know you’ll get through this and that you’re such an inspiration to actors like me around the nation. Thank you for being an artist, a fighter and just totally rad.

  12. Hi Krysta! I’m a current musical theatre student and a huge fan of yours and I’m so sad to hear about this, but so glad that you have such a positive outlook on it! You are an inspiration to women everywhere, and I look forward to hearing about your journey and hopefully a quick recovery. Sending lots of love! 🙂

  13. Cancer is tough. I’ve been through thyroid cancer myself, and my mom has had cancer three times. I was there for all of her chemo treatments during her last bout with cancer, lending her support and love as she took on each day of treatment.

    I also crochet hats for an organization called Halos of Hope, which collects handmade hats (knit, crocheted, sewn) and distributes them to cancer centers and oncologists offices across the country. I’d love to make a couple hats in your favorite colors and send them along to you. Contact me at xnedra at gmail dot com if you are interested.

  14. I think it is great that you are taking this with the attitude you are..you are going to be an inspiration to many women who need a positive outlook on this. I had stage 4 cervical cancer invasive when I was 30 I am now 43. When I was diagnosed I unfortunately was not as positive I had just had my second child and I was diagnosed while pregnant with him, I had to have a complete hysterectomy to hopefully remove all cancer cells from my body. I was in the middle of a divorce a new mom and all I could think about was what if it doesn’t work? After the surgery my doctor said he had gotten all the cancer cells from my body and that I would not need Chemo. I am a survivor and even though I didn’t have to do Chemo I have had close friends with breast cancer who have and Ive seen first hand how hard it is on someone…so I will pray for swift healing and again just wanted to let you know im proud that you are sharing your experience and hopefully you will be an inspiration to all women who are suffering from breast cancer and help improve their thought process on this experience in their lives. I loved you on Smash and I think this experience will only make you stronger as a human being but also as an actress. God Bless.

  15. Krysta, thank you for being so brave and sharing your story with the world. You’re going to beat this. I’ve seen the passion and strength with which you perform with, so I know you will get through this and come out stronger than ever. Sending some beautiful, healing energy your way!

  16. I’m sending you all my love and support, Krysta. You’re such an inspiration, and your positive outlook is really incredible. This blog is an incredible idea, and I will be following along on your journey, and I wish you the absolute best. You’re an insanely talented and loving lady, and I know that what you’re doing here will help so many. My family’s been affected by cancer countless times (skin, breast, stomach, and ovarian), and we know how difficult it is, and we’re all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! Here’s to a speedy recovery, and to a beautiful year! Love you dearly!
    Payton Chapley
    Age 18
    Toronto, Canada

  17. I heard those words “you have breast cancer” in 2004. Final diagnosis was Stage 2, EXTREMELY aggressive (9/10), ER+ (95%), PR+, DCIS. After a lumpectomy, 16 weeks of chemo and 2 months of radiation, I can now say these words “I am a 10 year Survivor of breast cancer”. I have no doubt you will say those words, as well.
    During my chemo, I wore colorful wigs (pink, purple, blue, etc) and a tiara that said “Goddess”. I made the chemo nurses wear tiaras that said “Angel”. (Chemo nurses ARE angels). The support I received from friends and family was the key to my physical and mental survival. I also purchased wigs (for work) from Barry Hendrickson’s Bitz N Pieces on Bway by Columbus Circle. Their wigs are so good, when I finally removed mine and went to work with my “fuzz”, people thought I had actually cut my hair. Be prepared for your hair texture to change for the next 2 years or so. It will most likely be curlier at the root. I had some fun with that once it grew in. My only other piece of advice for you is to be kind to yourself and let others help you. I wanted to prove I could do everything I did before and it just left me exhausted. People will offer to help while you’re in treatment. Take them up on their offers. However, once treatment is over, people will think you are suddenly back to your pre diagnosis self. But the truth is, your body needs time to heal after each treatment and it will take 6 months or more after you finish chemo before you start feeling like yourself. So if you need help, ask. Your friends and family will, no doubt, be willing to help if you just tell them what you need. Sending love, light and healing on your journey. I have every confidence it will be successful. xoxo

    1. Amen to the advice for you to LET the people who love you help!
      Right on with your take NO prisoners approach!
      The fight back is what keeps WE SURVIVORS STRONG!
      stage 2 Her2+ breast cancer last year. Chemo, radiation, Herceptin. REMISSION!
      You are a beautiful, spirited soul and you will find the crazy trip to be the best learning experience of your life.
      Keep surrounding yourself with only good, positive, loving people, and they will carry you through.
      BEST of luck and HEALING!!!!

  18. Hi Krysta!

    I have to get it out of the way that I have been a huge fan of yours ever since I saw you play Vanessa in ITH, you were my favorite. I also loved you in Addams Family and of course Smash! So although I don’t know you personally, it still breaks my heart to hear this prognosis.

    I don’t think you should for a second apologize for being vain! And I think you should thank your lucky stars that you’re ten times more gorgeous than Anne Hathaway or Natalie Portman so I think if anyone could come out from this and remain beautiful, you could!! And while hair loss is absolutely dreadful, it was what my father hated the most when going through chemo, I’m glad you’re doing it and making the best choices to get better.

    I wish you so much luck and love this idea for a blog!!!


  19. Good for you Krysta! Wishing you all the very best as you fight cancer in style! I’m an 8 year survivor (discovered at age 33) and diagnosed 3 years later while pregnant with my first (and only) child – who is perfect, and vibrant and healthy. Here’s the journey of your life. Get ’em girl!

  20. I love your attitude about your diagnosis . Its the perfect attitude you need to have. You were diagnosed on my birthday and we had similar cancers as well. Mine was stage 2 also and I had to go through chemo, I was just past my 28th birthday when I was diagnosed. I totally get the not wanting to lose your hair, its one of the worst parts I think. I was lucky enough that my tumor was gene related (I have the BRCA gene) so I was able to do a chemo that didnt make me lose my hair, it just thinned out toward the end. I cried when I found out I wouldn’t lose my hair. I went through 2 12 hour surgeries for a double mastectomy and reconstruction and close to a year of chemo. That was 3 years ago this Sunday! I also had embryos frozen in case the chemo made me infertile (it didnt!) but we still ended up using the embryos via IVF to make sure our 6 month old daughter didnt have the gene that I do. As long as you have a great attitude, a wonderful support system and fantastic doctors to help you with all of this, you can get through this too! Hopefully in a year you’ll be able to say you are cancer free too!! <3

  21. You are such an amazing woman! Thank you for your willingness to share your journey with others. Thank you for your positivity! Keep that feisty spirit up and kick cancer’s ass! I’m rooting for you!

  22. i will be passing this along to a few other fearless ladies that I know and will be cheering you on every step of the way! You’re a strong lady… Evict away!

  23. Wow! Loving that you are using your situation to do an incredible thing! I want to support you on this journey, kick cancer’s ass! <3

  24. It’s funny (not funny “ha ha” but funny strange) that you happen to launch your blog on what would have been the 101st birthday of the most kick ass breast cancer survivor that I’ve ever known–my grandma. She was one classy dame. She always wore makeup, jewelry, and the best heels that her arthritis would allow her to wear–because it wasn’t enough for her to have polio at three, she had to deal with rheumatoid arthritis, too. She tried to make everything as normal as possible, and if that meant something as simple as “putting on her face” before she left the house, so be it. But most of all, she was a fighter. And you are, too.

  25. Saw your story on Playbill.com via Facebook…I don’t have anything prophetic to say, just sending some love and encouragement. Our community, whether screen or stage, is unlike any other, we kind of have the best support system EVER! Always remember that there are soooo many artists out there continuously sending you well wishes! 🙂

  26. So proud of the strong, positive attitude you have! I’m sending you stellar vibes. You won’t only make it through this, you will come out shining.

  27. We’re basically the same age and I can’t imagine what you’re going through. You are such an inspiration to all women out there. A great warrior who decided to fight back and make something awesome from something so terrible. The Best of wishes Krysta!


  28. Krysta – As a fellow breast cancer survivor (diagnosed 6 months before my 40th birthday with Stage 2A) and started Chemo 1 year ago yesterday, I know exactly how you feel. But a positive attitude and great outlook will get you thru Chemo. I have 2 small children and wanted their life thru my treatments to be as normal as possible. I had 4 treatments of AC (nasty stuff) and 4 treatments of Taxol. I kept working full time thru all of it, took my kids to school, picked them up and took them to after school activities, and continued in my exercise routine (cardio kickboxing 3 times a week). I would have Chemo on Tuesdays (kickboxing that night), Nuelasta shot on Wednesday and Thursdays were my hardest days. It would feel like the flu. If anyone brushes against you, it will hurt. Just relax and take naps. The only thing that tasted good was a grilled cheese sandwich. By Friday, I was almost back to normal and Saturday, it was like I didn’t have Chemo. I didn’t have any nausea during treatment or post treatment. Drink lots of water during treatment and you might want to move to flavored water (Propel, Crystal Geyser) because the taste of water wasn’t that great. Also, soda didn’t taste good during the 16 weeks of chemo.

    The hair did come out about 14 days after the first treatment. I had gotten my wigs the week that I started Chemo. My favorite wig was a baseball cap with hair on the edges. It was the best go to wig (easy to get on and didn’t have to worry about if it was laying correctly). The eyelashes falling out was the hardest. My normal eyeliner wouldn’t stay on so I had to use Eye Shadow (Smashbox) instead and it would stay on. I never did the fake eyelashes.

    Good luck, you will make it and have your stories to tell. Cancer sucks and so does Chemo but knowing that you will alive to say that you kicked Cancer is worth it.

  29. Dear Krysta, I never thought that reading something like this would get me so emotional, since luckily I’m not familiar with cancer. I know you from Smash, and I was sad I missed you last May in Los Angeles at the Jeremy Jordan debut concert (I was at the second show,damn!!). Today I found out about this and I feel truly sorry for you but with this blog you are showing the world how brave and strong and amazing you are. With your positive attitude you can beat this old lady, and I hope it so with all my heart! I already subscribe and shared your story on my blog in italian, cuz that’s where I am from (if you want to try to read it -maybe with google translate :D- I paste the link in the website area: it’s titled “I would like to be strong as Krysta Rodruguez”). A lots of love, keep us posted and good luck! Serena

  30. Krysta,

    Just wanted to send you a note to tell you that I admire you so much for your work and now for your speaking out and letting the world know what you’re going through. You will be an inspiration to others who feel they may not have the outlet or voice that you do. So, rock on with your badass self, and I wish you so much luck. I’ll send extra good vibes your way as I jam out to the First Date Cast Recording. And, perhaps, I’ll have a day drink in honor of Ana…she’d have it no other way, right? Take care and best of luck. I’ll be following this blog for sure!

  31. Hi Krysta!!! I’ve been a fan of yours since Smash, and right now I admire you more than I ever did before. I had the biggest smile on my face after reading your post, because even though cancer SUCKS, your attitude ROCKS. It’s beautiful that you’re creating this blog to share your experience and help others in the same situation, and being so honest about your feelings… You’re going to beat this motherf*cker and I’ll for sure be here reading/sharing your journey every step of the way and sending so many positive thoughts! Love you!

  32. A friend just finished chemo for breast cancer…with a full head of hair. (I realize that every person reacts differently to chemo drugs) She had a cold wrap–the exact name escapes me–that she would wear on her head during chemo. It prevents the chemo chemicals from getting to those cells. Not sure where you are with your chemo schedule, but you may want to look into this.

  33. Hey Krysta! I think it’s really awesome that you are creating this site for women with cancer to connect and for you to share your treatment with all of us. What a great productive and positive thing to do for yourself and also a great way to give back to your fans. Just from this post alone, I really enjoy your writing style and can’t wait to read (and see) more!

  34. Krysta,
    I was already a huge fan and your choice to share your journey is a beautiful, brilliant, ballsy testament as to why. I’m friends with Zac and Kina and just found out via her post on FB. I’ve gone through this and several other cancers with numerous friends and family members and applaud your strength, grace and humor as you share your story with us this year. Know that by doing so you inspire. Sending much love and ass-kicking mojo your way. Hugs!!

  35. Your fans friends and family are with you to help in the fight. We know you can do this so you can get your butt back on the great white way.

  36. Lady,
    You know i love you, and am amazed by your spirit! I praise the Lord for you and your spunk in writing this bad-assery.
    I hope someone is giving you lots of those proper hugs you taught me all through this, with extra belly touching. Unless you’re feeling nauseous, then they better give you some damn space!

    Sending you some California Love,

  37. Hi Krysta,
    My name is Carolyn and I was just diagnosed with lymphoma on 1/22/15. I had a baby – Valerie Rose – on 11/13/14. The doctors say that pregnancy puts you in an immune-suppressed state and things can happen like this. I never knew that. I just thought I was run down after my c section. I never in a million years thought I had cancer. I only found out after an allergic reaction to an antibiotic caused me to go to the hospital and get tests done.
    My sister and I were saying how crazy the story was that it should be made into a movie. She asked who should play me and I said YOU. Ilove to sing so it had to be someone musical! Little did I know that you were also going through this. Weird really. My cousin sent me the link to my blog today. We loved you in SMASH and saw you in First Date and met you at the stage door. You were so bubbly, fun, and patient.
    I wonder how your treatments are going. I’m currently losing my hair and it’s tough. Everyone says “it’s temporary.” But I just think it’s still horrible and I don’t want it to happen!! And no! I’m not ready to shave my head. Anyway, I got a wig and it did make me feel better. I’m not wearing it full time yet because I’m still holding on to some hair. One hat company I found is Chemo Beanies. Stupid name but I think the hats are so cute. I have a ruffly one now. I’m also wearing bright colors and things that make me happy. Right now I’m in the hospital in a purple Tinkerbell tshirt that says “think happy thoughts!” I have to be in the hospital for 4-5 days at a time for chemo because it’s an aggressive lymphoma with an aggressive treatment but totally curable.
    I’d love it if you could send me an email! It would be nice to share experiences. Good luck to you!! I think this blog is a great idea and I’ll share more tips along my journey!

    1. Carolyn,

      I was diagnosed with NHL at 27 years old in March last year. I went through 6 rounds of chemo in the hospital and 17 sessions of radiation. i know how hard the treatment can be, and I can’t imagine with a new baby! I know exactly how you feel about the hair loss–I think the hardest part in losing it for me, was that I officially “looked” like a cancer patient. I’m 7 months in remission and have a full head of short (now curly) hair. I love that you wear bright colors and focus on what makes you happy, it’s so important! Stay strong, you will ge through this! Sending lots of love and strength your way.

  38. Hi Krysta. I doubt you remember this, but over a year ago, my best friend approached you and filmed you telling me “Happy Kidneyversary” the anniversary of my kidney transplant, and, to this day, it is still the most amazing thing I have ever gotten, aside from my kidney of course. You’ve always been an incredible inspiration to me, and what you’re doing now is even more beautiful and amazing. I took chemo drugs the year before my transplant in order to lower my immune system enough for the surgery and, while it was not as horrible as I’m sure what you’re experiencing, it was still rough. I just want you to know, no matter how hard it gets, no matter how miserable you feel, you will fight this and you will kick chemo’s ass. My heart and my kidney are with you.
    Much love,

  39. Krista: I can say I understand a little of what you are going thru. I was diagnosed in October 2014 with stage 1 breast cancer in my right breast. I was lucky though and was told that it was caught so early that I would only need to do radiation for 3 1/2. So even though I understand…you have a much different road to go down. Know that there are alot of fans, friends and people you don’t know that send their thoughts, prayers and hugs to you to help you get thru this. I know you will beat it. My mantra was LET IT GO and that helped me a lot. HUGS TO YOU!

  40. Attitude is everything Krysta & you’re off to a great start. I’m a 9 year breast cancer survivor and yea, it sucks, BUT I also learned lots of lessons and met some amazing people on my cancer journey. Kick ass ~ I know you will! My best piece of advice ~ embrace the new normal and stay out there living the life you love. Some days you might not be able to, but most days you will.

  41. Hi there! I was put in touch with your blog from my friend Sarah. I was diagnosed last March at age 25 with breast cancer. I elected to do a double mastectomy, followed by the egg retrieval, then 4 months of chemo, followed by reconstruction surgery this past November. I am finally on the other side and I can’t tell you it’s an easy road but you will get there. You will have (if you haven’t already) a completely new appreciation for life. Growing out my hair is the most frustrating process as it takes a while to even begin growing after chemo. It has finally grown into a buzz cut so I was able to ditch my wig. Eyelashes and eyebrows grew back faster than I thought they would (with some help from Latisse). Hang in there my pink sister! Feel free to reach out to chat, share stories, ask questions or just say hello. It is always nice meeting girls around my age who know what I’ve been through ❤️

  42. Thank you for being so open. I am a almost 2 year breast cancer survivor. I am 38 years old. It is tough but you can do it!!

  43. I just got diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks ago. I’m too young to be confronted with this illness too especially at the stage Im at (stage 4). I have also just completed my 2nd round of 6 chemo treatments. A few things that I am doing that are working are:

    Cryo Caps: use only while receiving chemo treatment. Its a gel cap that is stored in dry ice. It’s super cold and uncomfortable to wear but it can save you from losing all your hair. My hair is supposed to be gone by now, but I still have about 70%. Results vary.

    Brian Joseph’s lash and brow conditioning gel: put on brows and lashes daily while getting chemo and a short time afterwards. You can keep your own brows and lashes this way.

    Vitamix: cancer can’t survive in an alkaline environment. Eating all your fruits and veggies helps the body change to an alkaline state. It’s easier to make a smoothie with everything you need instead of eating it separately. It’s expensive but Vitamix will give you a 20% discount with proof of cancer dx.

    FYI: my cancer got to stage 4 because the lump in my breast with diagnosed as a fibroid cyst 6 months earlier which needed no treatment at the time. The mammogram and ultrasound showed a false negative for cancer. If you find a lump, request a biopsy even if your doc says it’s not necessary. Having my cancer treated 6 months earlier could have made a huge difference from what I’m dealing with now. Please share this info to every woman that you know.

    Thanks, Amy

    1. Amy, and every other woman who reads this,
      We must all be our own advocates. I’m so sorry to read about so many younger women who share in this same battle. But – be aware. A negative mammogram is not always the good news we would hope for. I had a falsely “clear” mammogram and ultrasound, but I knew that the lump that I felt wasn’t normal. I’m lucky that my doctor agreed with me! I was a stage 2, and I was actually relieved after the biopsy report. I was finally heard! Best of luck to everyone who is still “in the fight.” Keep up a positive attitude and accept help from your friends. Praying for all of my sisters in pink!

    2. Amy –
      I CONCUR 100% !!! I had a mammogram in August 2014 and they said it was just ‘dense tissue’ a couple months later I found a definite lump and was diagnosed on 1/30/2015 with Stage II IDC triple negative breast cancer. My new motto is KNOW YOUR LUMPS! I never thought I would become a crazy spokesperson for self exams – but without it I may not have caught mine as early as i did.

      I will have 6 chemo treatments, then lumpectomy and possibly then radiation. Long road ahead but I WILL get through this. Keep positive and keep praying!

  44. Hi Krysta!
    Wow. You are so inspiring! Coming from a teenager, (as well as a Broadway/Musical Theatre Geek) you’re someone I really look up to and aspire to be like one day, talent wise, and just over all human being wise. Although I personaly don’t have cancer, one of my best friends did, and I’ve seen how much it can suck. But guess what? “Cancer can SUCK IT!!!” You are unbelievably strong. And I know all of your family/friends/fans are gonna support you and send you all the love we can possibly give. Now, go kick some cancer butt!

  45. Angels on your shoulders Krysta. That’s a little saying I picked up along the way of my breast cancer journey. Diagnosed at 34 stage 3 and am now almost 7 years out and cancer free. Slashed, poisoned and burned and still standing! One tip for you. Remember to gargle daily throughout chemo. Even if your mouth feels fine in the first few cycles it can feel pretty yucky later on and if you can gargle up front it will save you in the long run. Also protect your veins. If they tell you you have good veins for chemo still consider a pic line. If your veins get burned they won’t recover. Small tips that I hope you or others may find handy. You got this!

  46. Thank you for sharing your intimate story, Krysta. Thinking about you, and knowing that you can pull through with flying colors. <3

  47. Thank you. Thank you for writing about this. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on September 29, 2014 at the ripe old age of 26 (1 month after my birthday). Your journey really hits home for me as I just finished Round 1 of chemo and am in the midst of Round 2. 2015 is “our” year to kick cancer’s ass! Best wishes and prayers sent your way from someone who can understand what you are experiencing.

  48. Hi Krysta,

    I’ve been a big fan for a while (I think I’ve listened to ‘Crazier Than You’ a million times! :)! I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but am excited to check out your blog to follow the journey. Young people in general often have a hard time finding role models to look up to for their cancer journeys and I know you’ll be a fabulous spokesperson!

    In regards to your fashion tips, I thought I’d make you aware of an amazing program called Look Good, Feel Better that is offered by the American Cancer Society. For absolutely FREE, any woman diagnosed with cancer, who is struggling to understand how treatments are affecting her skin and hair, is invited to attend a 2-hour, hands-on workshop, that includes a detailed description of the 12-step skin care and makeup program, consultations on options for wigs, scarves, or turbans, and each participant goes home with their own kit of name-brand cosmetics (valued at $100+!). It could be a great program for you or any woman undergoing cancer treatment. You can contact your local American Cancer Society office to learn more!

    Best of luck to you as you kick cancer’s butt! 🙂

  49. I don’t think that you’re vain for worrying about how you see yourself at all, anyone would. However, hair or not you’ll always be a gorgeous diva to us.
    I love the idea of this website, you’re not only going to help yourself to keep motivated, but a lot of other people as well.
    I hope you get well soon and permanently

  50. Hi, Krysta! I’m Brazilian and a huge fan of yours! I couldn’t be more proud and incredibly amazed by how incredible you are, in a hard time you are taking it out and turning into and incredible and inspiring thing to other people! I couldn’t be more proud to say i’m your fan!
    Now go there and kick cancer’s ass! Sending my prayers and love!

  51. Krysta, much love to you.
    I was sad when I heard about your diagnosis, but I love your attitude. I’ll be praying for you & will follow your blog with interest – thanks for sharing with us! It’s okay to have times when you’re down, but I’ll be praying that you’ll feel well & the treatment will be a total success.
    Ps 61v2 … when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

  52. I think it’s great how strong you are and your outlook on life. I am going through my 3rd round of Chemotherapy for Cervical Cancer that has spread. I am only 33. I am so glad I found this blog because it makes me feel like I’m not alone. Prayers for you and I hope things get better for you.

  53. Hi Krysta!
    I really admire your strength and the way you are facing all this.
    Well, it reminds me a person I know very well: me!
    Exactly, I am a person who has done it, I’ve won my battle.
    In July 2006 I was diagnosed with “pulmonary adenocarcinoma” located in the upper lobe of the right lung. Inoperable. I had 47 years.
    My only chance was Chemo with the hope of being able to reduce the cancer enough to perform surgery.
    After 6 months of treatment, where I lost all my hair (except for a single, stubborn strand of hair), where I went in early menopause (fortunately I already had a 17 year old son) where, in the end, I don’t walk more, we got the minimum result which allowed doctors to risk the operation: they have completely removed the right lung.
    Today, every February 5th, I celebrate my second birthday.
    I have not yet been declared “out” risk, but these 8 years after surgery have been given to me, as well as those to come.
    I think that medical care are very important but I believe that the strength of the mind can do a lot. You have to be convinced to do it, believe in yourself and don’t be discouraged when you have pain everywhere and you feel tired, really tired to the point of wanting only to let you go. For this I wish you all the strength possible. You will be too small in stature but have character to sell!
    I send you all the love that I can and I wait to read again from you. <3

    P.S. Sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian.
    P.P.S. I saw "First Date" on Broadway and I met you at the "54 Below" in the evening dedicated to the release of the OST of the show.

  54. Dearest Krysta,
    I’m french, just finishing to read the news on Broadwayworld (Ok, I’m a musical geek) and I decided to write you.
    I’m young (33 next month), I’m a boy (well, guy) and it could seem that I’m not really the target of your blog, but if I don’t had a breast cancer, I had the Hodgkin’s one at 20.
    It was a stage 4 and I had chemo…It was hard but I’m still heeeeeere (<- famous aria)
    The best thing that I like to think reading your blog, is you're a fighter.
    You are your own commander in chief !
    I've learned that, as I accept my illness as well and lived it with sometimes joy and sometimes tears.
    And maybe my journey and my little tips following could help you 🙂
    I looove food (well, as a french, I suppose it's genetic ;p) but with the chemo, and just during the treatment, it was another fight : by example, at one moment, I couldn't drink water.
    But, I discover that I loved drink Ice tea (peach perfume) -not anymore, because I drunk so much of it !! or even Coca Cola Coke. That, was a great thing for the stomach. Really ! (because the treatment is harsh…)
    Bye bye to the spicies meals and the orange juice also.
    One day, in the morning, I woke up with one and only idea, like a pregnant woman, "I want an orange juice".
    That was a nightmare. It was like I drunk a glue stick….and if I never drunk a glue stick, now, I have a perfect idea of it !!
    I made my own experiment of these day by day.
    Maybe you'll discover other things or react differently. It's really case by case.
    For the hair, it's obviously more delicate for a girl than a boy, but, as hard and unfair this journey could be, I could say that it's like a reborn.
    Now, I'm good ! I'm working in the musical theater world (in the french side) and I taste every second of it.
    My godmother had a breast cancer few years ago. She's good now. She was a fighter too, at work almost everyday, never letting the disease taking an advantage more; and always keeping the "joie de vivre".
    Having the positive attitude is the half part of the treatment and I send you all my wishes and the good vibrations for your recovery which I hope will be fast. Take care and congratulations because I love your work 🙂

  55. Hi Krysta,

    I have just completed my treatment for Her2+ Breast cancer, I am here if you need anything even if it is to just talk. I have known and watched you since you were a freshman at OCSA and so proud of you. Please know we are all holding you in our prayers.

    Love, Dawne

  56. Krysta,
    I am also pulling and praying for you 100%! I have been a fan of yours for the past several years and while I’ve not yet seen you live, that is one of my goals. You are mesmerizing when you perform and your talent blows me away .I am a primary care physician and I’m interested to know how you found the cancer. I’m also glad to hear you’re pathology is so favorable. I look forward to following with you and supporting you. You really are an inspiration. By the way, you’re also a fantastic writer! Keep up the great work and continue to be thankful for all that you have. Because you have a lot. Living with gratitude is something that I have found to be particularly healing. I’ll be following…

  57. Standing with you though I know nothing of this fight or what you’re going through. Thank you for living this out with boldness and transparency. You are giving so much hope by living and fighting. Love your talent and so inspired by you and your story.

  58. I love this! I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October at age 38 and am definitely one of the younger people at my cancer center. I hate that you are going through this but I’m happy you are publishing a blog for other younger woman to read who are in a similar situation. I’m currently going through chemo as well and am dealing with the hair loss and other lovely side effects. Can’t wait to read more of your blog! You have a great attitude and I know you will beat this disease!!

  59. I’ve been a fan of yours since the Spring Awakening days, and I just wanted to send my best. Your attitude is completely inspiring and I know it will make all the difference for you in this fight. I wish you all the strength in the world and I can’t wait to see you back onstage soon!

  60. Krysta— thank you so much for sharing your story. I can’t pretend imagine what it’s like to have a cancer diagnosis, but I do have some issues of my own, including chronic neurological Lyme disease and autoimmune problems, so I know what it’s like when your body is attacking itself. It can be hard to feel like yourself when you don’t want to do anything but sleep! It looks like you’re keeping positive, and I wish you the best of luck.

  61. Speaking as someone who’s parents have both had cancer – my father went through chemo last year – this made me cry – with happiness – with how utterly wonderfully you’re facing it. Its such an utterly tough thing to get through, but your attitude is so up beat and wonderful I couldn’t help but smile. I honestly wish you all the best and have already subscribed, and I honestly can’t thank you enough for not only creating this blog, but raising awareness of the fact anyone can get cancer – and I’ve probably worded this extremely badly, but this post was utterly inspirational and truly incredible, and I can’t thank you enough for creating this wonderful, wonderful blog.
    I wish you all the best.

  62. Hi Krysta,

    Your blog couldn’t have come at a better time. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. In January, I had a hysterectomy and 2 weeks later a bilateral mastectomy. I begin chemotherapy in a week. As a fashionable, strong, energetic 46 year old, I am trying to get through this without losing sense of who I am. I really look forward to reading about your experience. You are truly an inspiration!

  63. I am currently gearing up to play your role in “First Date” down in Miami. I’m listening to your voice every day while learning the show. I love it. You are so ridiculously talented and this feels like it hits so close to home, having turned 30 myself a little over a year ago and how scary and vulnerable it makes you feel in many ways— this is just SO unfair, NOT something you should be dealing with and I will be following your journey, rooting for you to kick it’s ass fast and get back to the grind as quickly and painlessly as possible. Kudos for you to doing it boldly and out loud and letting people who don’t even know you in to ride along and keep you uplifted. Sending all sorts of positive vibes to you, you got this K.

  64. HI Krysta,

    I had the pleasure of meeting you during the summer of 2010, while you were still rocking it as Wednesday Addams. I was a summer intern at The Offstage Group in Manhattan, helping them plan and organize meet and greets with Broadway casts. We only met briefly, but it’s always stood out to me how gracious and kind you were. Anyway, I just want to send my best wishes your way, and let you know that you’ve got a fan out here in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, who sees you as an inspiration, and who is wishing you nothing but the very best.

    Keeping you in my thoughts~~
    Jessi K.

  65. hey, i heard about your cancer diagnosis. i was diagnosed with breast cancer at 29, in 2006. i was working as an actress/singer at the time — we prob. have friends in common. i’m in nyc. there aren’t many of us youngins with old lady cancer. there are some organizations i found really helpful when i was going through it — young survival coalition, stupid cancer, and, after, athletes for cancer and the SAMFund. young survival has an informal fb group. if you are interested in joining it, email me. and if you ever want to meet for coffee/tea, let me know. xx

  66. You are amazing, this is fantastic, and I’ll be reading every word on your journey! We are with you in spirit! This might be a dark time, but you are the bright light in the center of it! Shine away that dark with your overabundance of class and sass!

  67. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 26, so I’m all too familiar with being a young cancer patient. Chemo sucks (I lost all of my hair and had a ton of other side effects), but it has a way of teaching you how strong you are capable of being. I’m approaching my 10 year survivor anniversary, and going through cancer treatment has definitely shaped who I am.

    Nothing but the best thoughts and prayers for you! This blog is an awesome idea.

  68. What an amazing voice you have! I will absolutely be along for the ride, we are the same age and I empathize with your situation. It sounds like you have really managed to take this bull by the horns and you have a lot of inner strength to say you will not only beat this cancer but you will do so while continuing to be yourself and looking amazing. I don’t have experience to offer you, but I gladly give you my compassion and my ear.

  69. Krysta, you are so beautiful and a super talented singer and actress. I’m very touched with your words, I think the idea of this blog is truly amazing, so many people are in need of this REAL talking about something as frightening as Cancer. You let go the drama and speak with your heart. This is so honest. I can’t wait to see more. And as you said, you are a Leo; a fighter, the Lioness of the jungle.
    I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  70. Dear Krysta,
    My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 29, she had to work a full time job and support my mother and uncle. She said that when she was going through treatment (chemo and surgery) the thing that kept her strong was her family. She is now in her 60’s and living a very happy and healthy life; I only found out last year that I my grandmother had cancer and that I was also at risk. At 15 I started researching cancer and the only things I saw were baby pink and scary; I could never imagine loosing my hair (I’ve been rocking your hair style for a year now and all my theater friends ask if your look was what I’m going for and it totally is) or my “assets”. I have always loved and respected you as a performer (I’m in a production of Addams Family right now and we listen to you on blast in the greenroom), but now I can really say that I respect you as a person because you are a true role model. Thank you so much for this; break A Leg (or a breast; thats what my mother said to me before I had my first breast exam)!
    – Julia

  71. I was diagnosed just a couple of weeks ago at age 34 and a friend passed along this site to me today. I actually meet with my whole team of doctors tomorrow for the first time to come up with a game plan to kick this crap to the curb! Sounds like some mastectomy and chemo discussions are coming my way but I’m ready to rock whatever I’ve gotta do to win 🙂 Can’t wait to follow along to see how our journeys are similar but different and I’m looking forward to your tips and tricks throughout!

  72. Hi Krysta,
    My dad just got told he is in remission (yay!), and I’m sending those positive vibes your way as well! I’ve loved following you since I first saw you onstage, and I look forward to following you through this journey as well. Stay strong, and remember we are all here to support you. Look forward to seeing your awesome fashion sense shine through cause all you really got to do is give it the old razzle dazzle, and shine!

  73. I was diagnosed in late 2008 at the age of 31 and had a double mastectomy on my 32nd birthday – yippee! Chemo sucked. I didn’t feel sick until chemo but it’s not the end of the world. 6 years later and healthy, I hardly remember it. You’ll get through it. A good attitude is a must and you seemed to have that nailed. Sending you good vibes 🙂

  74. You are SO lucky. Yes, lucky. Not because you have cancer, but because of the type. I am 49 and a single parent to the greatest 13 year old boy ever! About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer. It’s advanced and invasive. Unknowingly, it went from the lymph nodes under my arm to my spine. From there it has traveled throughout my bones. Strangely, my breasts are clear, but it is breast cancer. I’m now on my 3rd type of chemo, fighting to keep it stable. As soon as there’s some progression I move on to the next chemo. But I will fight for my life….for my son. I refuse to leave him. So yes, you’re lucky. You’ll have chemo, lose your hair, kill the tumor and be cancer free. Words I would LOVE to hear my dr say to me, but sadly won’t. Some live with cancer for a short time. Others live with it for a lifetime. A lifetime made shorter because of cancer. I hate cancer, but I love my life. I keep reminding myself that no one knows how long they have, but for me, the reality of my mortality hangs over my head. Thank you for your blog. It helps keep a smile on my face knowing I’m not alone. Fight and NEVER give up.

  75. Krysta,
    You are such a lovable person; I adored following your vlogs on broadway.com for First Date and meeting you in NY after one of the performances in 2013 , so to learn that you are now beginning this journey is heartbreaking, but also incredibly inspiring. I love that you are doing this blog! I, too, am high risk for early-onset breast cancer, so I’m encouraged by your amazing attitude and excited to see what you have planned for the blog. Sending you love!! <3

  76. Hey Krysta!

    I found out in early November I had what was thought to be cervical cancer. After surgery and more tests it was confirmed and I started chemo in January. I look forward to following your blog because I had same fears! “What will I do without hair?” ” I don’t want to “look sick” “I’m to young for this” and all those some days are beyond rough. But… I am carrying on with everyday life! Good luck and I will be following!!

  77. Cancer does give you a new perspective on life that you can actually be grateful for. Especially if you have an indolent and treatable form. Sure it sucks, but it makes you take stock of your life and your blessings. Hair grows back. Wigs can be fun. Or channel Samantha and wear a beautiful scarf with fabulous earrings! I just celebrated 6 months of remission from stage IV lymphoma and I believe I am healthier and happier person for it. I’ve started taking more “me” time which includes playing a lot of tennis (the healthy part) and taking nothing for granted (the happy part). I discovered the hardest part about my treatment was making the people around me feel better about what I was going through. How crazy is that? Don’t spend your energy on that (except your blog! Its fabulous and you need to keep your fans laughing!) But when people get that worried look and want to wallow with you, tell them you have a hair appointment.

  78. I applaud your attitude, it is much the same as mine was when I received my breast cancer diagnosis. You can do much good but it would be both helpful and humbling were you to lose the “young and therefore special” attitude (your quote – “Cancer is not just an old person’s game anymore. There are many young, vibrant and fashion loving women out there who want to look their best, even when we’re feeling like crap.” I was neither young nor beautiful but I still suffered and still wanted to look pretty. Cancer chicks need to stick together, regardless of age.

  79. You’re a rockstar. I’m your age and my mom (a rockstar in own right) recently made it through 7 months of chemo for Ovarian Cancer (for the record her hair has started to return a completely new, completely AWESOME baby soft and wavy texture.) http://www.amazon.com/The-Chemotherapy-Survival-Guide-Everything/dp/1572246219 was a great resource for us for all of those “Is this just a normal chemo thing?” questions for anyone looking for such a thing. And as far as being fabulous through illness goes, one of my favorite discoveries of my own time with Lupus has been http://www.pillfold.com/ For those of us popping lots of pills and sick of little old lady plastic boxes (That ALWAYS break!) it’s everything. And cute! When my mom and I were looking for non-wigged ways to cope with hair loss one of my finds was this video. She’s adorable and has great tips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCHVW-PuXDQ And Fiiiiinally– Scratch Off lotto tickets are ALWAYS a good idea when killing time (and cancer) in the infusion suite. I mean, we are all owed some luck, right? Keep writing and kicking ass. x

  80. Thank you for sharing your story. I’ll be sending lots of positive vibes your way! I am a big SMASH fan and I had the pleasure of seeing you in First Date and meeting you at the stage door. I was so impressed with your kindness and patience with all the fans there.

  81. Brava Krysta!!! How brave of you to come forward and share your journey. You will be a huge inspiration to so many and I wish you all the best. There are new studies starting to come out that show that exercise during chemo can help with the expected fatigue. You may want to look into a physical therapist that specialize in oncology rehabilitation to help you out and get you set up with a good plan.

    In regards to fashion, I manufacture very stylish mini camisoles. Although you have not had surgery, post mastectomy women, or women going through reconstruction really love them because they help cover up scars or surgical imperfections. It allows them to wear low cut tops, and feel comfortable they aren’t showing too much. Especially for women undergoing chemo, the last thing they want is extra material of a traditional camisole if they need to layer. Also, since they aren’t a true “mastectomy” product women can feel girly and sexy. Please check us out at PerfectCami.com. I would be happy to send you some samples to try and share with your girlfriends.

    Also, I have friends that do really cool scarves and breast cancer t-shirts/clothing that you may like and I can get you info on them as well.

    Sending you well wishes and tons of positive energy. You are a remarkable young woman.

  82. Your positive attitude is all you need to get you through this time…you will look back and say, I have a rough year. Cancer is do-able and I think we forget this, we need more positive stories shining out. It isn’t always the death sentence society makes it out to be. Strong mind, nutrient rich diet and the love of your fans, family and friends are the most cancer crushing things you can have. Grieve, rise above and carry on.
    I have lots of things that I “loved” during my treatment that I am happy to share with you. Someone told me once, you will wake up and know the day you are ready to say goodbye to your hair….I didn’t believe them…it was true. You will have many of these moments, embrace them. It’s like a rebirth….you get virgin, un-dyed hair afterwards….how awesome is that??
    Keep rockin it!

  83. Krysta-
    I just want to thank you for being so courageous. The message you are sending, that cancer doesn’t just happen to “old people”, is so vital. You are an incredible role – model for young men and women, and I will be following you throughout your journey. Go kick cancer’s ass and continue to be fabulous while doing it!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck!!

  84. BRAVO. What an inspiration you will be to so many. Your bravery, strength, and positivity will do so much good for so many. I have seen cancer do so much damage, but have also seen some beat it against all odds as well. The best way I have ever heard it said, “Cancer is a selfish asshole.” Get it Krysta. Face it. Beat it. And spread the good.

  85. Krysta,
    I was diagnose with Stage III, Her-2 positive breast cancer. I cried, I got drunk, then I started to fight. It is very important that you embrace laughter, eat healthier, get plenty of rest, drink a lot water, and the most important thing is to ONLY surround yourself with positive and supportive family & friends. Also consider consulting an acupuncturist and nutritionist during your treatment.

    Stay strong…you are a survivor.

  86. Today marks my five-year anniversary of being free from borderline Stage 4 breast cancer. It was aggressive with a massive tumor. I was diagnosed Oct. 1, 2009 six days before my 42nd birthday.

    I’m here to tell you that you can do this, but don’t try to rely on your own strength or power. You’ll need help. Lots of it. Mine came from my strong faith and LOTS of prayer from friends, family and thousands of people everywhere who didn’t even know me. I knew God would heal me and he did. I also wouldn’t allow negativity around me at all. Away from me, if people wanted to break down and cry, fine. But when they were around me, they weren’t allowed to show it. Why? Because I knew if negativity ever got in, it would eat away at my faith like a cancer and make me want to give up. And like I told my surgeon when he told me my diagnosis, giving up was not an option. Six months later I was healed and have been cancer free since (although my onc told me to use my mastectomy date as my marker for being cancer free instead of when I finished rads).

    So, that is my advice to you. You will be in my prayers for a full recovery. And if you like, visit my blog I started a few weeks ago. I don’t have any comments yet like you do or that many followers, but I’m not an actress. I’m just a small-town Southern girl … but it doesn’t matter. We’re all the same. My blog covers many of my struggles besides advanced cancer and how faith has gotten me through them, and even the new path God’s put me on now. Everything’s not all champagne and roses. There will always be struggles, mountains and valleys to go through during life’s journey. But you don’t have to go through them alone.

    I wish you all the best in your treatment and your blog!

  87. Humor works as an amazing salve to the pain breast cancer tries to inflict, and you have got it down babe! I’m a Leo and my hair is just growing in after BMS last May and contracting gram negative cellulitis from the surgery (Eeeeew). I look like a Leo lion right now with hair sprouting out everywhere. Such a bummer but Its a tiny vain thing and I’m happy to be here healthy and strong.
    Best wishes on your recovery and excellent job on your blog!

  88. You’re gonna kick its ass, lady. You’re gonna have good days, you’re gonna have bad days, you’re gonna hate the mirror, you’re gonna love the mirror, you’re gonna feel like a warrior and like a wounded soldier, but you’re going to come out the other side with a hell of a story. Endless prayers and happy thoughts heading your way, doll.

  89. It sounds like you’ve got the right attitude, and when it comes to something like cancer, attitude will make a big difference. I am 32 years old, and I was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of breast cancer in October. I just completed 16 weeks of chemotherapy last week. It certainly wasn’t a picnic, and I miss my hair every day, but I just remind myself that my health is more important than my hair.

    Though the chemo part of my treatment is over, I’m looking forward to seeing what kinds of tips you have to share.

  90. Thank you so much for doing this! I had the exact same cancer you do two years ago when I was 32 and had many of the same thoughts you’ve expressed. Keep that great attitude and on your worst day just remember that it’s physically impossible for chemo to last forever! I never expected that I would laugh so much during my year with cancer, but I did. I mean, come on, having a room full of nurses start clapping because you finally had a bowel movement is pretty funny. Cancer is a crazy thing, but it’s not as strong as it thinks it is. Turns out we’re a million times stronger =)

  91. A few tips that helped me. When you’re tired and every bone in your body hurts, just lay down and rest. Drink lots of water. And the most important, wear fabulous earrings! I had my husband shave my head before it all fell out and I wasn’t a scarf kind of girl but I had some great wigs! But once my hair was as long as a buzz, I got rid of the wigs and put on my earrings and some make up and I was good to go! You are a warrior and an inspiration to so many women by writing this blog!

  92. Hi,
    Let me tell you something about my breast cancer battle, It wasn’t that bad, the hardest part of it was to see my children looking at me wondering. Sure biopsies, doctors visit, the chemo, the baldness, double mastectomy, some pains, Everything was expected, the doctors told me: you not going to die of this!. This is what I told to myself, if it is my time to go I’m ready, but I’m not giving up, I’ll fight for my family but more important for myself, because I have to pass the torch and tell other woman, what I’m saying o you…. Everything is going to be fine.

  93. Wow, this is what I’ve been looking for – a positive upbeat blog for our beauty and strength on the journey to beat breast cancer. I was diagnosed early January with lobular breast cancer – instead of a distinct lump like ductal – it’s many smaller cancer sites spread across a larger area healthy breast tissue. Because the overall diameter of the spread determines the stage, it’s over 5 cm and Stage III. Two lymph nodes biopsied with complete mastectomy surgery were positive for microscopic metastasis…this micro mets can not be detected with mammograms, ultrasound, CAT scans, MRIs or PET scans, only direct visualization under microscope. The scary part is that breast exams were normal and the screening mammogram showed “non-specific change” from last year’s. That’s why annual mammograms are so important! Because lymph nodes were positive, Stage IIIB.
    We’re hitting my cancer with chemo- three big dogs in the world of chemotherapy for 5 months, radiation for two and AI for 10 years. I know I’m going to lose my hair so I decided to take a negative and do something positive. I support a special cat rescue, The Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary in St Pauls NC, and started a silly fundraiser – Hair Raising (or Lowering) Fundraiser – and I would have my thick Italian warm chestnut hair shaved off LIVE on Ustream and BCR supporters could send in donations. The donations are for BCRs Spay-Neuter program to have 1500 homeless cats fixed and vaccinated; preventing many homeless kittens dying in the wild from starvation, diseases, prey of coyotes, abuse or being hit by cars. In fact, the Director of BCR Alana Miller and a great friend and fellow volunteer of BCR Fiona are joining me and shaving their hair off in support of me and BCR! How many friends would shave off all their hair bald when they didn’t have to?
    I know I will have some not so good days so my daily motto is: Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day!

  94. Hello … yup Cancer came knocking at my door too, my D day (diagnosis day) was April 11, 2006. I was 37. I was in shock as I always thought this was an older women’s disease. Stage 2 Advanced Carcinoma, a nice whopping 5 cm tumor. What came next was 8 rounds of very aggressive chemo and about 4 surgeries. Nice part of loosing your hair is you dont have to worry about shaving your legs 🙂 and it only took me about 5 long minutes to get ready 🙂 its a tough road, but sadly one that we must take to get to our final destination, called survivorship. I wish you the best during your treatment and THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SHARE YOUR STORY SO THAT OTHER YOUNG WOMEN WILL KNOW IT IS NOT AN OLDER WOMAN’S DISEASE.

    xoxoxoxox from San Francisco !
    8 year survivor

  95. So sorry to hear about this. I am a prostate cancer survivor. 2 years. Only had radiation, no chemo. Don’t know what its like. However I feel the fact that whenever I went in for treatment I had a smile and a joke and a positive attitude helped me a lot. They said I was the most positive person there. Always had a supportive word for the other patients. Krysta, DON’T LET IT GET YOU DOWN. You CAN beat this.

  96. Krysta,

    Being an “old lady” survivor, it always helped me to think of the alternative. Seriously, my entire attitude about many things changed. I learned to be positive and to smile even when I didn’t feel like it. I also tried to cut negativity and toxic people out of my life. I’m not rude or anything, but I’m not a good friend either, nor do I intend to be. I kept a journal, so I know how important this blog is for you to let emotions out, especially in a positive way. I kept a second journal of gratitude where I wo9uld write three things each day for which I was grateful. In the back, I kept inspirational to me poems, quotes, verses, etc. When I’d get down, I would read through that journal. Kudos for begging your blog and doing what is right for you. November will be my five year mark of being cancer free and I’m thankful I’ve had these years. Hang on in there – you are a fighter and survivor!

  97. Give it hell. My girlfriend/fiance was diagnosed with colon cancer about 6 years ago. Year of chemo, a colon re-section, 75% of liver out, and the best attitude throughout it all, 6 years later, we’re happy as can be. Not only that, her situation got us both (as previous non-runners) running starting at age 47. We’ve done several half marathons with 2 more on tap this year in NYC and Brooklyn followed by the full marathon in November. Beat the hell out of it, because you can !

  98. Oh, and about this ” I make my living with my appearance to some degree….”. Creative performers such as you have quite a bit more going on than just the look. There is a light that comes from within a performer such as you. You’re not just looking pretty getting the gig, there is so much more, a presence if you will. Your spirit supersedes the vessel that carries it. Your soul eclipses your image. Your heart beats loudly beyond your body, and everyone sees, experiences and cherishes you for you. You are all of these things and likely more.

  99. Krysta,
    Thank you so much for starting this blog, I look forward to more posts. I was recently diagnosed with same type of old granny cancer as you. Just so nice to read a blog that embraces humor and all the crazy emotions that go along with this shitty disease. Be brave & dig deep.

  100. Hello, Krysta.
    Well, everyone has already said what I want to… but I still would like to say I love you. I love you very, very much!

  101. Krysta – good luck! You’ve got this. I was also diagnosed with IDC IIB, did the chemo thing and lost my hair. I wore hats when it was cold just to keep my head warm, otherwise I went bald. That was my “badge of honor” to show that I was fighting. I was lucky and didn’t get ill during chemo. I’m hoping the same for you.

  102. My “tween” daughter and I are huge fans of your work. (I loved you in First Date and we both enjoyed The Adams Family.) Now we’re also huge fans of your strength and courage. Thanks for your honesty and for sharing your story. You’re one brave woman!

  103. Hi Krysta
    While I’m sorry to hear about your dx I know you will do this w grace and sass! I too have been on a cancer journey that just ended TODAY w reconstruction. I can see you want to help others and I want others to go through this (if they must) with grace, beauty and strength as well. Any interest in coordinating such efforts? I know you’re busy and so am I but I have a lot to share on this subject. If you want to talk and see if it’s a match send me a message to my email. In any case I’m sending you my best and its obvious you’re going to kick cancers a**!!! Big xo Catherine

  104. Having gone through chemo about 5 years ago I was thinking of what helped me through that time…
    Be very kind to yourself. Cozy blankets, homemade soup, whatever makes you feel better. Try to let others help you if they offer even if you like to do things yourself.
    I am not sure when you had chemo but I wanted to mention that my oncologist told me about Penguin Cold Caps that can be used to keep your hair. I used them during each of my chemo sessions with Taxotere and Carboplatin and I did not lose my hair. This was not a vain issue but one that I had researched and found out that up to 6% of people on Taxotere never get their hair back. There is a website called Taxotears which discusses this in detail. My doctor researched the Caps and spoke with the inventor, Frank Fronda, a number of times. I just wish more people would know about them and that the Caps might be available to them.
    Warm hugs coming your way…

  105. I was on an airplane once and the flight attendant had just finished her treatment for breast cancer. (I didn’t know that) but I told her I love your hair. It was very short and extremely sexy (I am a straight woman by the way). She said she has always had very long hair but lost it all to chemo. I said keep it short. It makes you look fabulous. Moral of the story? If you lose your hair may you look as beautiful as she did when hers grew back in. May you have all the strength in the world to get through this and my your worst days be no worse than a bad headache.

    With love and many hugs,
    Tiger (my mother-in-law used to call me a Tora in Japanese)

  106. I too was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer on December 3, 2014. It was 6 weeks after having my baby. I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction on December 22, 2014 and I started my first chemo treatment on February 18, 2015, I have three more rounds to go! I’ve had good days and I’ve had bad days, but I have an amazing support system and I am looking forward to moving on with my life. On October 17-18 I will be doing the Avon Walk to end breast cancer in New York City!

  107. 2015 is my year with breast cancer, too! Hi, I’m Laura, and my plans for 2015 included attending Sundance in January and moving to LA in February to pursue a career in screenwriting and eventually, production. In November of 2014, I got your news: IDC in situ and invasive. Also stage 2B. Only difference is that I have the (insert name of fast car here) of BC. It grows, and it grows fast. Plus, it was growing fast in Rightie. Leftie was just sitting there minding her own business. But, my theory is that she was guilty by association, so I had them both hacked.

    Making the decision, as a single 31 year old, to never again have the fear/excitement of a possible nip slip was a lamenting one. But, the risk of recurrence was too much to deal with, so off they came. Reconstruction will follow late this year or early next year.

    Today, I finished round 2 of chemo. I just loved chopping off my trademark 24 inch blonde locks, first to a 9 inch bob, and more recently to a buzz when I saw the first of the heavy shedding. It sucks completely. My new hair piece, lovingly dubbed “Topanga” is helpful, but she’s no replacement for a comfy top knot at the end of the day. And the look of, “Aww, look how cute you are in your little wig,” is infuriating, though I know people are well meaning. The slightly older ladies in my life keep telling me how they think I should just put on a comfy turban and some flashy earrings and own it. Own this ladies: I am Laura. I have long hair. That’s how I look. That’s how I’m going to continue to look. No, it doesn’t come from my hair follicles. It comes from Ebay. But, I bought it, so now it’s mine.

    I’m excited to find your blog. Glad/sad to know I’m not the only ‘youngun’ in the infusion room.

  108. Hi Krysta,

    I was diagnosed in April 2014 with Stage 2a, grade 3, invasive ductal carcinoma at the age of 36. I have had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy.
    My tips for chemo are;
    Consider having a picc line – I didn’t and my veins are ruined!
    Paint your nails a dark colour. Chemo makes them photo sensitive, so painting them can save them from discolouration and stop them falling off.
    Stay away from people if they are ill. Even if you’re given injections to boost your white blood cells you are still prone to infection (I had two hospital stays!)
    Get lots of rest and ask for Emend (anti sickness meds). If you start being sick after chemo, it’s hard to stop!
    Let people do things for you. Difficult if you’re fiercely independent, but it’s a must.
    Be kind to yourself. You’ll have some dark days and even darker thoughts, but it’s perfectly natural. Give into it and allow yourself to grieve. Life will be forever changed, and there will always be an uncertainty about the future. You sound like the kind of person that will use this experience for a positive future, but don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Chemo messes with your emotions!
    It’s three months since my last chemo, and I now have a very short pixie crop. It’s surprising how quickly your hair grows! We made the initial head shaving a fun experience, with our children creating lots of funny hairstyles on me. It made the hair loss easier.
    I wish you all the best, and if you need any more advice feel free to contact me.

  109. You are amazing, Dear! I wish you all the power and energy you need on the lowest of days that will come! You are an aspiration to be followed (I hope that this is a real expression not just something I made up…) and of course I mean your wits and thoughts! Love and support from a Transylvania actor colleague! Zsoly

  110. I know this struggle all too well Krysta, but it’s not insurmountable! My diagnosis is eerily similar to yours (and I’m a Leo as well and totally get the hair thing!) – age 36, stage 2a, slow growing, left breast, chemo, REALLY didn’t want to do chemo…because I would lose my hair…how vain is that?!? The chemo itself was annoying and at times difficult, but the hardest thing was looking at myself in the mirror when I wasn’t all made up. To that point, the one thing that helped me feel better about how I looked was making sure I had great EYEBROWS (Smashbox Brow Tech)! I would paint one on and leave the other blank and show my husband what a difference it makes – he was totally surprised (and for him that’s saying something, because he doesn’t notice when I cut my hair!). Pink cheeks, glossy lips and eyeliner just pull it all together!
    I’m so glad you’ve created this blog – it’s good to find someone in a difficult situation having a positive attitude and making others and herself laugh. Why wallow in self pity and make yourself sad? That won’t accomplish anything! It’s not something I would wish on my worst enemy, but I am glad I was given this task to overcome in my life and wouldn’t change anything about it.
    I wish you all they best Krysta! I can see you’re on your way to beating the ugly “C” word – and you’re going to do it in style!

  111. YOU GO GIRL! I was 37 at my 2B diagnosis (with 4 tumors, all quadrants). I am now 55. My mother was in the last 2 weeks of her battle with ovarian cancer when I got my news. It was tough times, but like you, I was determined to fight hard and proud! Part of my regime included double mastectomy (did I mention I was divorcing as well?) I wondered how life would move on with no hair, no boobs and not a lot of hope because of our family history. But living large (and with faith) proved inspirational to those around me AND myself. My hair grew back beautifully (and I didn’t get gray hair back for nearly 5 years!) Miss Clairol was a little torqued, but that girl moved on to be with others of greater need, lol. My favorite no hair story for you…..I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store and I felt horrid and probably looked horrid. No hat for me, this was just an in and out dash…two little boys were waiting for their mother on a bench near the check out and couldn’t stop staring at my noticeably bald head. When I finished checking out, I marched over to them, got nose to nose, pointed to my shiny bald head, and stated sternly, ‘This is what happens when you don’t eat your vegetables!” Those little boys sat stock still with bug eyes. I’m sure 18 years later, their mother is still thanking that nameless lady who created vegetable loving monsters. Be blessed, be healthy and share the encouragement to all those who are young around you with a bewildering cancer diagnosis. Currently my 28 year old niece has picked up our family torch. Her diagnosis is a stage 4 trip neg. A hard road is before her. We are doing all we can to raise awareness for familial cancers and forward research. Make some noise!

  112. A huge part of making it through chemo is having a bad ass attitude to beat the disease. In 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive lobular carcinoma and have been through surgeries, 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. Still taking chemo until July 2015. I lost my hair and must say from the shoulders down, who needs it! I took the opportunity to recreate my style and bought wigs. They are super cute and very comfortable and people think it’s my real hair (unless they know its a wig and they say “I can’t believe that is a wig”). I also make sure to do some type of exercise (yoga is a favorite) every day, although there are days when I just need to rest, and drink TONS of water both of which make me feel like I am in control of moving all of the toxins out of my body faster than if I were sedentary. Keep up your winning attitude and know there are many who appreciate you sharing your story.

  113. Hello Krysta,
    I love your bold attitude and sense of humor regarding such a hefty subject. I have lost loved ones due to cancer and found out a good friend in her 30s who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer is debilitating, more for the person who has it but also for the loved ones. I hope you are surrounded by those who love you.

    I wish you all the best! I look forward to your future entries!

  114. Good Morning Krysta!
    Sometimes in life we face situations that we question or cannot explain. We question our faith and our reason for being. Being a theatre baby all my life I comically find shows that match my mood at the time and you were in the best show I can think of your current status! Alabanza!!!! When you beat the heck out of cancer sending it to the wings and out the backstage door then the reasons you faced this challenge will become clear. God gave you a loud voice for a reason and never stop projecting it for all to hear! I will keep you in my prayers! My group never says ‘break a leg’. We say ‘take wings’. Take wings and soar!

  115. Krysta,

    I am a 28 year old survivor, last year was my “year with cancer.” I love your attitude–and wish you much strength and positive energy. The hardest part in losing my hair was that I was identified as a “cancer patient” instead of just me from people I didn’t know. There are tons of fabulous wig options–I’ve been a brunette my whole life and went with a platinum blonde wig–so you can try out new looks! Also, there is a group called the “Look good, feel better” that visited during one of my chemo rounds. They had a make up artist come in and show each of us how to apply make up to compensate for some of the chemo side effects (ie the best eyebrow pencil, how to create the illusion of eyelashes, how to deal with super dry skin, etc). Hundreds of huge make up companies donate products, and this program puts together kits that each woman could take home. It was fabulous! I had products from Dior, Clinique, Mary Kay. It was one of my favorite days of treatment because I felt more like my old self, and have used some of the tips even now with my eyebrows & lashes back. Not sure if this is a nationwide program, but here is a link for any ladies out there currently fighting who might be interested: http://lookgoodfeelbetter.org/

    Just remember that this is one chapter of your life–when things get tough, take it one day at a time–one hour at a time–one minute at a time if you have to! Sending lots of love & strength.

  116. Hi Krysta; I don’t know if you remember me but I’m an old huge fan of yours from the Spring Awakening days (which seem so long ago, but also like they were just yesterday). I was just shocked and devastated when I heard about this. I am also completely blown away by the incredibly positive and courageous attitude you have taken…’inspiring’ does not begin to describe it. I am sure you have and will continue to receive an absolute avalanche of love and support from all your friends, colleagues, and fans. On a brighter note, it’s now official: you are actually not a triple threat–you’re a quadra threat. Your writing is superb (and as a writer myself, I do not give this compliment lightly). I look forward to reading about your journey and hope for the day that this is all something you look back on as an experience that shaped you in a positive way. Ever your fan,
    Jon Fox

  117. From one Christa to another….Stay strong and know you are not alone! A lot of great resources and people out there kickin’ canzer’s ass (i.e. Ethan Zohn, Suleika Jaouad & Kris Carr come to mind) You got this! xo Christa J.

  118. Hey there! I just read your story. Hang in there girl! I was diagnosed with Stage 3 invasive ductual carcinoma on my 50th birthday September 2013. Way to celebrate a half a century huh? Double mastectomy in October 2013. Of course me being the overachiever, the cancer had already spread to 6 lymph nodes so it was chemo for me. Not going to lie to you, Chemo wasn’t a lot of fun. I had chemo every two weeks on Friday, my shot on Monday and usually back to work on Wednesday. The first four rounds of chemo (red devil) were when I felt the most unwell. The second round, for me, was a lot easier. Not a lot of side effects, just flu like symptons and the neuropathy “tingles” went away as soon as I was finished. My hair started coming out almost two weeks to the day of my first chemo, so my husband and I took the shaver and had a field day with it. Not gonna say I didn’t shed a few tears for my hair loss – but they were quick and I moved on. I made sure I bought a wig before the chemo so that it matched pretty close to my hair color. Anyway, double mastectomy, 8 rounds of chemo, 33 radiation treatments and I was done. My hair was long enough, or should I say really, really, short, in July that I felt comfortable taking the wig off. Now it’s almost been a year since my last chemo session and my hair is back and curly! Anyway, hang in there and know that people are praying for you and I’m sending big hug your way!

  119. Hi
    I too have had breast cancer. I had invasive ductal and DCIS. I had a lumpectomy, lymph nodes removed, 4 rounds of chemo and 33 radiation treatments. The only advice I can give you is to take one day at a time as everyday during treatment and recovery will be different. As you know there will be good days and some extremely bad days. If you feel like being alone, be alone, if you feel like crying, cry. I know for me that helped a lot. I had an extremely supportive husband and family that understood my needs and wants and respected them. I also found it helpful to talk about the cancer and to get mad at it. If you have any questions that I might be able to answer for you, please ask. Best of luck on your journey. Remember that you are not alone in this hiccup of life.

  120. I am so glad I came across your blog. I was diagnosed yesterday with exactly the same type and stage of cancer, except right boob. My wrinkle is it’s high grade and I’m HER2+. I’m lucky, I’m 47 (though could pass for 40) and have a gorgeous daughter already.

    I didn’t want chemo, I wanted a nice lumpectomy and some radiation and off I go. But chemo is what I have to have. I’m dreading the loss of my hair and the side effects before the first drug has hit my system. I figure the trade off is an upside for me. I get my life and my boobs for temporary hair loss.

    Like you I am going to live like I’ve always lived and I’m putting it out there. I’m not dying, I’m not contagious and I’m not hiding. I’m walking through this haunted house and sometimes I’ll scream and some rooms there will be nobody and some rooms I’ll laugh cause it’s all so corny. But there’s a back door to that house and when I get through it my heart will be racing with the joy I will be free of the fear and the pain and can walk away from it intact, still me!

    The first tip I got from someone, wear blue because of my blue eyes. So I’m going to by every single teal, periwinkle, ocean blue shirt and scarf I can find. I’m a cool and I’m going to wear only cool colored shirts for the next 6 months so anyone sees is my eyes first!

  121. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last October and was given a hysterectomy and then 3 weeks later started chemo as a just in case. I was very freaked out.. I went thru 4 very strong chemo treatments and really no sickness. Take the medicines given- they WORK! I had joint pain in legs for a week following and the dreadful hair loss. I lost it befor the 2 nd treatment which really pissed me off. I knew it was going to happen so I got my hair cut short but that only lasted 4 short days I never lost it completely but It was enuf to freak me out. Mine is starting to grow back and each day is so exciting watching it grow almost like watching a tea kettle boil lol, , but it is growing. Keep a positive attitude and remember each treatment is an attack on the ugly cancer cells. It keeps it in perspective and almost makes you eager to continue. Stay strong!!!

  122. First you are beautiful and cancer can not take that away. I was diagnosed in 2012 with stage 3/grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma . It was a very small tumor and could only be found with a mamogram. By the time it was found it had already spread to my lymphnodes. I sat in an infusion chair every Friday , 6hrs a day for 20 weeks.Then came the many surgeries and 28 days of radiation followed by a dose of herciptin every 3 weeks for a year. I was a 45 year old mother of 2young teenage boys. I DID NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!! It made me so angry that I decided it was not going to break me . I was going to kick it’s ass and take names. Sometimes not as easy as it sounds. I was fortunate to have a huge support team in family and friends.Hair grows back,curly in my case,and you will survive this. I had the chance to meet so many amazing people sitting in that infusion chair.Many of them did not win the battle . I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to reach out to others and give them hope. I am certain that someday I will die from cancer..But not today!!! I live everyday to the fullest…No regrets! LIVE,LOVE, and SURVIVE sweet girl!!!

  123. Hey Krysta!

    I have the feeling you are waaaay to feisty to allow this to keep you down, let alone beat you.

    Are you going the Abraxane route? My Dad was infused with that (no, he did not have breast cancer, though men can get it…). Yes, he lost his hair for a while, but at least he did not have to “suffer” Kate-Loprest-ian quips about “Corporal CueBall” (?!). The main message is that he endured better then expected. His MD suspected it was because he was a serious vitamin supplementer, particularly of anti-oxidants. If you (and your MD) are into that, it might be worthwhile to double up (at least). That, combined with your youth and inherent feistiness will hopefully make this journey a lot less worse than a morning commute on the 405 or an afternoon of Zac Levi Chuck tales!

  124. You’re attitude is awesome! I am a 3 year Breast Cancer Survivor. And NOBODY understands it unless they’d lived it. It’s a sorority nobody wants to join, but we got picked! I will tell you, I never liked my lifeless, stringy hair, and the gift of chemo is that I grew some beautiful hair back! Hang in there Warrior Sister!

  125. I read your story dear and I can definitely relate. It’s been almost 8 years since I was diagnosed. What worked for me was reading positive stories, talking to survivors and finding out how they got through it, exploring organic food, toxin free home cleansers, pure water, laughter, energy work, prayer…and essiac tea. Definitely the tea. I didn’t do chemo. My radiologist called me his miracle patient. I don’t sell anything, just like passing on useful info. Go to http://www.discount-essiac-tea.com. Bryan Paulhus is amazing, he’ll help you even if you can’t afford to buy the tea, and the stuff is amazing! As one survivor to another I truly wish you all the best.

  126. Krysta,
    Thank you for sharing your story in such a positive way. I was diagnosed last May with “granny” cancer as well. Bilateral mastectomies but no chemo or radiation. My reconstruction was complete on Oct. 31, 2014 and I am back to my regular routine except that nothing will be regular anymore. Everyday is a gift and I take nothing for granted. Blessings to you as you go through your journey. You will do great!! Sending my love and support!

  127. Thanks for posting. I had the exact same cancer. We called it the “best” of a bad disease. I too frowned upon chemo, but 5 years later when it’s all said and done, you’ll be glad you had it. Better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for spreading awareness.

    Sheryl Cherico, President
    Georgia Breast Cancer Coalition Fund

  128. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast on November 18,2014. I have completed three rounds of the dreaded chemo and lost all of my hair. I too am a Leo and loved my mane. The journey has not been easy but I am doing it and so can you. They have classes called Look Good Feel Better that are held all over the country that teach you how to camouflage the changes to your appearance. The diet stuff has been the hardest because of the side effects from the chemo. The most important thing that I have learned is that I am not alone in this fight and neither are you.

  129. Hi there – I am a “young” 42 year old who was diagnosed with Stage 3c invasive ductal cancer as well. It was in 13 of my lymph nodes – so surgery, chemo and radiation. Loosing my hair was more tramatic than loosing my boobs! I also lost my eyelashes and eyebrows. Eyelashes are back – eyebrows not so much. My dr. told me I had the most side effects from chemo than any of his other patients – oh joy! I have lots of tips and tricks that I am happy to share!

  130. I am a 20 year survivor of Stage 2B breast cancer. Have faith that the treatment you are receiving is working. Follow the doctor’s advice and walk your path to health along side the medical community. Be that lifestyle changes (diet maybe yoga), an inner journey ( meditation or introspection) and most importantly continue to live life to the fullest.

  131. I was diagnosed eight years ago and did my time in purgatory getting rid of it. It was a very emotional and difficult time but I have been cancer=free since and life has returned to normal. There are thousands of “sisters” out here pulling for you.

  132. I was diagnosed with stage 2-B breast cancer in August of 2012. Have since had a double mastectomy, reconstruction, chemo and radiation. Just had another reconstructive procedure one month ago but am still dealing with side effects from chemo. Yes, losing your hair is devastating, but the good new is it grows back – mine did fast and furious and looks as good as ever. During chemo I wore wigs and scarfs. My daughters cut their hair and had a wig made for me out of their hair! It is so beautiful! The hardest part of it all is dealing with a “new” body, very different from what you were before. But you can pull through – you have a great spirit! I look forward to your blogs .

  133. Bravo and amen! “They do not have cancer. They do not have the nausea, bone pain or paralysis. They are not struggling to feel like themselves at every moment of the day. They just look really good with a buzz cut.” You know people are trying to be helpful but it just isn’t.
    I’m finishing my third round with cancer in 15 years (I’m 38) and I wish you strength, peace, hope and a punching bag for your journey.

  134. What a great post! I share(d) lots of your feelings. I was diagnosed last year at 33 and went through many of the same things. Weirdly, the opposite of what I expected happened and I stopped worrying about my looks when I was fighting cancer. Bald, with black finger & toenails, I gained 40 lbs and had such bad neuropathy I couldn’t even walk to the bathroom, but still I felt so confident. I was doing what I could to live, and that made me realize how unimportant vanity is in this life. Also, I never would have been brave enough to rock a buzz cut or a pixie and well I think I look pretty cute with it now! (can’t wait to be able to do a ponytail again though in all honesty).

    My first day of chemo, my BF and I went to Macy’s and I finally treated myself to a Burberry scarf. If I was going to rock a scarf on my head, darn it- it was gonna be designer! So my piece of advice is go treat yourself to the nicest scarf money can buy and rock the shit out of that scarf. Good luck in your fight! There will be bad days for sure, but it sounds like there is a cancer-free light at the end of this tunnel and that day will feel so good for you.

  135. Hello Krysta,
    I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in June of 2014 at age 59. I also had DCIS (Right Breast Lane only). 4 treatments of A/C (2 weeks apart) and 4 treatments of taxol (also 2 weeks apart). Hair loss was upsetting (I DID NOT look like Demi Moore when I shaved my head – damn!). More upsetting was loss of eyebrows – I never had to draw them on before and wasn’t very good at it. Not much problem with the A/C treatments (the anti-nausea drugs were awesome). Some bone pain after the neulasta shot. My doctor told me to take a Claritin pill every day for 5 days after the neulasta shot to help with the pain. They don’t know why it works, but it does. Now, the taxol was a whole different story. The bone pain was intensified immensely, but even worse was the tingling of the fingers and toes. My last treatment was in November, 2014, and I still have some tingling on my fingers and toes. But, overall, I did very well with everything, and I truly believe that a positive attitude and sense of humor was beneficial. My surgery was on Dec 22 – removal of the right breast and reconstruction with a flap of skin taken from my stomach. I would not recommend breast cancer as a way to get cosmetic surgery, but at least I got a tummy tuck and boob lift out of it. I am glad that I was able to use my own skin to reconstruct the breast and not have an implant. Seems much more natural to me. My doctors at Stanford were amazing and the staff very caring and I can not thank all of them enough. After 11 hours of surgery, I was in the hospital for 2 days and went home on Christmas morning. I was thrilled to find out that I would not need radiation. What’s left – estrogen blocker pill daily for at least the next 5 years (re-living menopause – NOT FUN) and one more surgery to make Left Breast Lane look just like new Right Breast Lane (however, definitely NOT the 44D’s my husband was hoping for). Continue to keep your upbeat attitude, attempt to continue as much of your daily routine as possible, and keep that sense of humor. Everything will be o.k.

  136. Praying for you Krysta. Cancer is tough, but so are you. I’m a 9 year chronic ovarian cancer survivor…chronic meaning I’ve been on chemo for 9 years, 2 surgeries. Chemo is harsh, but I’m alive and living. Just want you to know that there is lots of love and support for you. I didn’t get to see you live in ‘First Date’, but I was following all about it as soon as my cousin Michael Weiner (yes I’m name dropping, sorry) posted about it on fb.
    Praying all the best for you and that your side effects are minimal. BTW: wigs are great and your hair will grow back.

  137. Krysta! You rock star!
    So glad to hear that this will soon be in your rear view mirror, and surely you will have a glorious new perspective on life!
    I too shared my story when I was diagnosed at a young age in 2008 and lost all of my hair to chemo. It’s a personal choice, but I felt most beautiful and empowered to let my bald head free. There’s even a photo of me rocking my favorite no-hairstyle on my website. Like you, I felt that sharing my story, and my beautiful bald head might help others who weren’t feeling quite so pretty without hair.
    Wishing you every happiness and forever-health
    Kimberly Bailey
    The Butter End Cakery

  138. Wear lipstick to Chemo everyday! That’s what I did and as silly as it sounds it made all the difference in the world To Me! People would always say… ” wow you don’t look sick.” Ok what does ” sick” or cancer ” look” like anyway ?! I’ll tell you the day I found out I had cancer I didn’t feel sick or look sick… So why should I let that change! Be beautiful in your fight… It’s the best revenge!

  139. So sorry that you are having to go through this! Right before I began chemo a year ago, a survivor told me, “it doesn’t make much sense, but it [chemotherapy] strips you to your core so you are left with what is really you and there’s something really beautiful about what you discover.” A year later and in remission, I can say that this is true. This is a transformational journey in more ways than just the physical change – embrace it! Also, sharing my blog in case you find it helpful: http://dearibtc.wordpress.com

  140. You go girl! Don’t let cancer define you.

    I was diagnosed with the same cancer (stage 2a) as you just before Christmas of 2013. Last year was my cancer year. I was in the middle of nursing school when I was diagnosed. Except for a brief break during the adriamycin/cytoxan treatment, I stayed in school. And now I am cancer free. And a nurse. Anything you want to do is possible even with cancer.

    So take care of you and do what you want to do and don’t do what you don’t want to do. And get better.

  141. Thank you for sharing your tips and your journey via your blog! Thank you also for spreading the awareness that Breast Cancer is something young women are diagnosed with. I’ve been diagnosed with Breast Cancer twice at age 31 and 34, cancer made a home for itself in each of my breasts, so in December 2013 I had a double mastectomy. Been through chemo twice and on some other “fun” meds, have had several surgeries, radiation… but what I’ve learned most is gotta keep pushing forward! You have a great perspective on everything, and are very inspiring! I look forward to what you’ll be sharing on your blog. Sending positive vibes out your way!!

  142. Hi Krysta- love your blog. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 DC in October. Since then my life has been turned upside down. I had a right mastectomy and with a 16 percent chance of it returning opted for chemo. Who opt’s for chemo what was I crazy??? my brother died of cancer at 49 so I thought it was the smart thing to do. Not feeling so smart….hard to look at myself in the mirror bald head and all. Two more treatments left…can’t wait to feel better but in the meantime I have some fierce wigs and makeup and will rock this look!

  143. Krysta, I have only met you once but love your work and love you even more after this post. I am the same age as you and I cannot even imagine having to deal with what you’re going through, I certainly don’t think I’d face it with such a positive attitude. I think you’re pretty amazing for sharing something like this with the world, I know I would probably run and hide. Sending you all the love and good vibes I have for your fight ahead! Cat xxx

  144. My diagnosis came in March of 2012 at the age of 42. I had a lumpectomy which revealed that there was lymph node involvement which required chemo (ACT). I completed AC and part of T (I had to stop due to severe neuropathy) and 6 and a half weeks of radiation. I lost my ovaries since I was over 99% ER/PR positive and even though I knew I was never going to have a child at my age – I cried over the loss of them. I know that losing your hair is tough – I had mine cut short and lost it all in 3 days after my second treatment. I know that chemo is horrible – between the nausea and overwhelming fatigue. Eating was hard for me because so many things tasted like poison to me and sometimes mid meal I could no longer eat what I had liked a moment before. I remember looking at myself in a mirror – bald – no eyelashes – barely any eyebrows and wondering who is this alien ghost I am looking at. I cried a lot.

    It was a terrible year. I remember asking my husband over and over again when I was going to feel better. But it did get better. There were days between treatments when I could enjoy the sunshine. I had the wonderful support of my husband and family. And I am alive.

    One of my best friends was diagnosed two months before me and she was a huge support. She kept telling me, you don’t have to like it- you just have to do it. At one point I begged my doctor for a different chemo regimen and she told me that I would ask for rat poison instead if she offered it. and I said please, please give me the rat poison. I would have never believed it but I can actually laugh about some of my experiences.

    I hated turning 40 and now I am almost 45 and I say bring on the years. Every birthday is a gift.

    You are a beautiful person. Cancer will never take that away. Sharing your story publicly shows your strength. You are gifted and talented. One day you will realize that your hair has come back (mine came in super curly), you look and feel like yourself again and you are a survivor.

    I know I am a stranger, but I care and wish you a quick recovery.

  145. I was diagnosed with leukaemia when I was 3 years old, and although I don’t remember much 14 years later, I do remember meeting the girl who is still my best friend to this day as we were both undergoing treatment at the same. I know your story and mine are both very different, but I just wanted to tell you that even though cancer does suck, there’s still some good that can come out of it. I look forward to following your journey and reading your blog posts, but I do wish it were happening under different circumstances. I wish you all the best and will be praying for you often during the next few months. Cancer’s got nothing on you Krysta, go kick it’s butt!!!!

  146. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when I was 17, I completely understand the being diagnosed young thing. I’ve been a fan of yours ever since I saw “The Addams Family” on Broadway and I think the way that you are dealing with cancer is incredible and the best of luck on your journey!

  147. Hey! Well first I wish you a speedy recovery! My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, she had a double mastectomy and went through chemo. If you ever need someone to talk to to get your mind off cancer, let me know. It helped for my aunt to “escape” from it once in a while. Keep fighting, and remember you are never alone in this battle. Even when we feel defeated, you can do great things. #CancerSucks

    Stay strong,

    Kelsey B

  148. Great idea, and good luck with all the treatments! You should check out Elly Mayday. She’s a plus size Canadian model who had I believe ovarian cancer and has done some amazing, inspiring work since, including a photo shoot of her as a boxer when she was still bald. She also did a lingerie shoot where they published the photos with her scars. I hope it inspires you!

  149. Hey Krysta! I think that you are handling this better than anyone can. I know a bit about what you’re going through, having a chronic illness as well. I have a column on a website that is sort of the same thing — not letting your illness get you down, and talking about things besides the medical situation, which seems to be what you’re doing. I love your attitude on this. It’s incredibly hard to find people with your attitude and I think it speaks wonders to you. You’re amazing. I’d love to continue to talk about this — help you in anyway I can, through the days where you wanna kick the cancer’s ass to the days where it may be kicking yours. Either way, you will beat this. You are strong, and with support from everyone, nothing can get in your way of you beating this 🙂

  150. All the best, kiddo. You are so much more than your appearance. I will write a starring vehicle for you whenever you are ready for it, no matter what the chemo tries to do to you. #BeatThisThing

  151. Hi Krysta!
    I just wanted to say that I love you so much and that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I believe whole heartedly that you will kick cancers ass! You are an amazing actress and singer and you loosing your hair is NOT going to change that, you are an inspiration to young girls like myself who are going through a lot. If Krysta can get through cancer with a positive attitude, than so can everyone in every aspect of their life! I adore you and keep on trucking.

  152. You are such an inspiration with your strength, your courage, your attitude and your voice. I do the Avon Walk each year with a huge team, and the survivors and the stories are what make every step toward a cure so important. You sharing your story is giving another woman strength to do the same for someone else. You will beat this. xx

  153. Hi Krysta!
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It can be incredibly difficult to share such a private battle, but I hope that it helps you in your journey.

    My 15 year old sister was diagnosed with Leukemia exactly five days before your diagnosis. I’ve seen firsthand what a tough fight cancer can be, and it can be easy to lose hope at times. I will be praying for you and following your blog. Your positive attitude is so inspirational, and hopefully I can use some your positivity and apply it to my family’s own struggles. I’m such a major fan of all of your work (huge Smash and Addams Family fan :D) , and you are sucb a beautiful role model, inside and out. I’m looking forward to reading your blog and laughing and crying along with you

  154. Stay strong k-rod. Sending you all the love and prayers in the world. Just know that all of your fans (k-rodsters as my friend and I like to call ourselves) will be there to support you every step of the way. 🙂

  155. Love this! You got this! My mother went through breast cancer and had to have chemo. It was a rough long road but she kicked cancers butt. She has been in remission for 5 years. Yahoo!
    In September I was diagnosed with leukemia (aml). I did not have time to freeze eggs or anything. I had to start chemo the day after I found out because of the type of cancer. I lost my hair 2 weeks later. It was hard to feel beautiful or pretty. My hair has grown back since then, in 1 week I will be loosing it again. I know how you feel. I think it’s more disappointing when you loose it a second time, all that work growing it out for nothing. Can’t wait to read more and follow you. Bless you and your fight.
    Fight like a girl!

  156. I was just diagnosed with invasive and noninvasive breast cancer and possible lymph nodes as well. This was just told to me the night of 2/16 /2015 by way of call from my doctor to giving me results of recent lump removal from left breast (which was smashed during the mammogram and the compression of the breast). I got tell you, I totally lost it!! Saw the doctor yesterday. He’s talking : mastectomy definite of the left breast. He says it riddle with DCIS. Having not shared this with anyone yet. I’m still trying to process this myself!

  157. Hi Krysta,
    Firstly, thank you so much for sharing your story. I appreciate you going through this journey with other people in public.
    Secondly, a few years ago my aunt died of breast cancer. Her condition was much worse than yours (from what I gather from your blog posts), but the process was a huge part of my life for an incredibly long time.
    My uncle is very high up in the cancer department at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center here in the city. I wanted to share an article that he wrote recently:

    I know that you do not know me, but he is a wonderful doctor and please reach out if you need anything.

    Let’s beat this thing!!!

  158. Dear Krysta,
    I want to also add that I am praying for you and I hope that you research these informative resources toward discovering far more effective treatments of Cancer. Please watch this video as well.
    ” What the Cancer Industry doesn’t want you to know” on YouTube. Please know I am not trying to discourage you ,but encourage you. If anyone can make a stand IT IS YOU! Please, do not give up hope. Research other treatments. God Bless You!

  159. I admire you so much Krysta!! I first saw you in the Addams Family and just loved your work, as a mexican musical theatre actress myself you became such an inspiration! -I’m currently on the mexican production of Addams playing the bride and understudying Wednesday- I just want to say I’m absolutely sure youre gonna beat this, this is just a challenge and you have the most amazing positive attitude and the love of thousands of people and fans. From Mexico City I send you all my love and admiration, as well as prayers and the best of vibes!! Stay strong Krysta!!

  160. Hi Krysta,

    Welcome to the club nobody wants to be in. I’m almost 7 years out. I learned a lot from having breast cancer, not that I recommend the experience.
    Chemo is different for everyone. I had a hard time, in fact, it sucked. I hope you’re lucky enough to breeze through it. However it goes, there really is an end of the tunnel, and we’re all waiting for you there.
    Some advice:
    There is no need to suffer – there is medication for everything. Take your anti nausea drugs as recommended, especially Emend. I was never nauseated. If you get heartburn or reflux, tell your doctor and take care of it right away.
    Save your energy for the things you want to do.
    Monitor your temperature, especially during the time after a treatment when your white cell count can be at its lowest.
    Hair is overrated.

    Feel free to email if you need someone to talk to. I’m sending healing intentions your way.


  161. My favorite ‘keep me going’ quote during my Stage 3 breast cancer treatment that ended just one year ago was by Suzy Toronto: Plan B…a test of true character. I’d say you’ve shown that although your life has taken you from Plan A to Plan B, you’ve already shown you are going to make the best of the whole situation. Take care.

  162. As a college voice professor, I use your voice often as an example of how music theater singing should be done! Now I will also use you as an example of strength and continued beauty in the face of hardship. Hang in and know that folks all over the world (and particularly in North Carolina) are sending you prayers and good wishes.


  163. Dear Brave and Beautiful Lady Krysta,
    I must say that you are something young lady!!
    Truly Are.
    You stay strong, you stay only positive, and surrounded in each day and minute with all those that are there for you in this knockout battle.
    You are a superstar and this stage is not large enough for you!
    My family and I will be following your exceptional blog.
    We will send you prayers, hope, faith and strength.
    I wish you massive support and a speedy and strong recovery.
    Most Sincerely,

  164. O Krysta Rodriguez I never thought you were the type to get cancer. But Now I know anyone at any given time could have it. I never knew anyone with cancer. I like to think I know you but I’m just an inspired fan of you. I still wish you well and back to your health. My prayer out for you. May God speed. Oxoxoxoxox <3

  165. Krysta ~ I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33, a new wife with two girls under two years old.
    I’ve had two mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation and have been completely reconstructed….twice.
    and then went on to have two more girls. That was 30 years ago. There is life after a breast cancer diagnosis, and it feels better every day. Just take it one day at a time and embrace the little things.
    Make absolutely sure you get gene testing done. It can answer questions you may have.

  166. Krysta I’m so proud of you. We Leo’s fight until we we have absolutely nothing left, but I don’t plan on seeing you in that position. I can’t wait to try the fauxtatoes. So live loud and don’t let anything silence you and that booming Broadway voice!!!!!!!!

  167. Hi Krysta!

    This blog is an awesome idea! Even though I don’t have any personal experience when it comes to cancer, I’m really looking forward to reading how you kick cancer’s ass! I wish you all the best! 🙂

    Lots of love,

  168. Hi Krysta,

    I was diagnosed with estrogen-fed, Grade 2B Ductal cancer in December. I also tested negative for the Cancer genes and I am 47 years old.

    Tomorrow marks one month since I had a bi-lateral mastectomy and it is also the day I am finally getting my drains out! Upon surgery, they found that it had also invaded the sentinel lymph node on my right side, so it appears that I am looking at chemo and radiation, which is a huge drag.

    Now that my boobs are gone and I have no idea whether or not I will choose to have reconstruction, I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how I will be able to dress in a world full of bust darts and cleavage, without wearing shirts all the time. As of tomorrow, I will no longer have to wear my “Camisole of Sadness” that has pockets for my drains and I can return to some regular clothing, but even if I wanted to wear prosthetics, my scars from the mastectomy haven’t healed yet.

    I’m looking forward to seeing the fashion side of this blog and your insight into chemo. None of my friends who’ve been through this before me ever mentioned the pre-meds making them sleep through the chemo treatment, so this is a fascinating detail to find out.

    I’m f$&@ing dreading chemo. I’ve already cut my hair and it’s very cute but soon to be gone, of course. Apparently my insurance will cover a decent wig and the Salon I will go to in Seattle will refer me to a plastic surgeon in Seattle who gives free bottles of Latisse to women going through chemo. Being hairless and flat-chested is not exactly the look I was hoping to achieve in 2015.

    Did you have surgery to remove your tumor yet?

  169. Hi Krysta,
    Let me start with I am such a fan, and even moreso now admiring how strong you are and how you’re taking this by the reins. My aunt had breast cancer and she took it by the reins as well, and changed her life ever since. She passed this on to me so I could pass it on to you.
    1. Have lots of water on hand. Bottles are easier, then you can keep track of how much you are drinking. The more the better to flush the toxins from your kidneys and liver. I would not recommend drinking any alcohol during this time either. Too taxing on the liver
    2. Dry brushing your skin before a bath or shower. Helps to rid the body of toxins. I also would recommend Epsom salt baths, same thing here, they pull the toxins from your body. You need to really load on the lotion too, since your skin dries out.
    3. Maalox——- this will help to coat the mouth and throat. Quite often you get sores in your mouth and throat from the chemo. Taking agood probiotic will also help ward off yeast that can occur also. There is something called miracle rinse that she could get a script from her Dr for……they mix it up at the pharmacy. Has some pain killer in it also. Rinsing with baking soda helps too. The mucous membranes dry out all over the body, so keeping hydrated helps and you really need to keep on top of the oral hygiene.
    4. Protein powder shakes. Taste buds are effected so it can be hard to eat or you don’t really get that hungry from the effects of chemo. I used brown rice protein powder( GNC) and mixed it with fresh or frozen fruit and juice. Found this easy to keep down.
    5. Vitamins- Her Drs may tell her to lay off certain vitamins during chemo, but others are beneficial to keep energy up and for those that are lost from not eating right. Have her ask what she can take.
    6. During chemo you may want to pack a bag with snacks, magazines, any comforts from home to help pass the time.
    7. Eye drops- Use moisture drops frequently. Again, the mucous membranes in your eyes will dry out, so best to keep them as moist as possible. Just find a brand that you can use as much as you like . I think the ones w/o preservatives are the ones to look for.
    8. Lots of rest.


  170. I was diagnosed with the same old lady cancer you describe ( only difference is I am 58) last fall. I can’t really add much to what has already been said, take things one day at a time, do something that brings you joy everyday no matter how bad u feel. As with all things this too shall pass.

  171. Krysta – I don’t expect you to remember, but my daughter Emily was absolutely girl-crushing on you in Addams Family. She got to meet you after your Love Trapezoid set and still has the picture of the two of you hanging on her wall. She was devastated when I told her you had cancer but I told her not to be because you are FIERCE and will kick its ass! We are 1000% in your corner and are looking forward to taking this trip with you and doing whatever we can to support you.

  172. You have been my idol for more than five years. You have inspired me so much to get into theatre. I absolutely adore you & your outstanding talent. I was completely crushed to find out that you had cancer but I know that you are totally strong enough to kick its ass! I hope you are well aware that you are greatly loved & everyone is rooting for you!

  173. Hi Krysta!

    I understand how you feel. I don’t have breast cancer, but I do have a brain tumor, and it’s been quite the battle at times. Ironically, they found my tumor just days after I’d had 13 inches of hair cut off for Locks of Love (before I’d had time to send in my donation). And when I found out that the first course of treatment for me would not be chemo but radiation … and that radiation to the head might cause me to lose my hair permanently … I kept that ponytail as my security blanket. Just in case.

    I did end up losing a LOT of hair, but not as much as the doctors expected me to (they said that I probably lost less than most people because I’d recently cut it so short, so it wasn’t so heavy), and I was lucky because it didn’t fall out in patches but simply thinned out all over. My hair is about 1/4 as thick as it used to be, but people who didn’t know me before the radiation can’t even tell that I lost any hair. … I guess now it’s time to let go of the security blanket and pass that ponytail on to someone else who needs it, huh?


  174. I was diagnosed with breast cancer just days after you. I was 31 years old and 35 weeks pregnant with our beautiful baby girl. After having lost our son days after he was born prematurely in January 2013, I was hoping to finally find happiness again and I could taste it getting closer and closer as my pregnancy progressed…until that day when I was told I had invasive ductal carcinoma. A few days later I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl and just 3 weeks later I started chemotherapy. It is a rough ride. Chemo is no joke. But it will end and you will celebrate that milestone. I will be thinking of you.


  175. Dear Krysta,

    Words cannot begin describe the roller coaster of emotions I have been feeling since your blog has come out.

    That scary “C” word has been something that has periodically crept into my horizon. My classmate in high school, a co-worker at summer camp. It seemed to be real but far removed enough that I could continue to live my life as usual.

    Then, about two months ago my boss (I’m a research assistant) and one of my role models at law school told me she was diagnosed with cancer (for the second time!) and would be undergoing chemo in the upcoming months. Then a few weeks later, my best friend at law school told me she was diagnosed with cancer. Both of these people are so near and dear to my heart and I was completely devastated and did not know how to approach. Suddenly cancer was everywhere.

    Side note: I’m a huge broadway fanatic. I’m from Toronto and live in Windsor for law school, but I go to NYC every chance I get. Obviously, being theatre obsessed means loving you, Ms. Rodriguez. From watching smash to trying to convince my law school peers to road trip to see first date (unfortunately it didn’t work out, but the soundtrack is a constant on my playlist!), I love your style and your sass and basically everything you do.

    This is why when my lovely mother told me she heard about your announcement of having cancer, I felt like another friend was now a part of this club that was surrounding me. It added to the devastation and I couldn’t believe I had heard about three people I admire in such a short period of time.

    Your blog is incredible. It provides so much guidance and insight into living with cancer. I am definitely learning so much and I believe as a result I have been able to be such a support system for the people in my life that are going through such a similar situation. Your strength and fearlessness is infectious and I cannot say enough how thankful I am that you share your personal story with the world.

    Love always,


  176. Hello I have watched Colby clubhouse and the show change me a lot to see God’s love and I hope you get better soon, right now I am watching the episode of the divorce when you and your sister pray together. If you want to watch it it’s on a channel called smile of a child where it shows God’s love.

  177. My wife and I flew from Wyoming to Chicago to see Bebe, Nathan Lane and Terrence Mann in Addam’s Family. But it was you we were talking about the whole way home. What presence! What style! What a voice! Just a quick note of encouragement from some fans in the rural old west.
    I love the way you’re attacking this with such style. Once again, I’m amazed at your grace and panache.
    Ps. After we got home, we scoured Youtube to find enough songs to make a custom “Krysta Rodriguez sings Broadway!” album. Still listen to it. Someday when you’re feeling up to it, a real studio-grade album of your voice would be awesome.
    Keep up the fight. We’re praying for you.

  178. Hi Krysta,

    Thank you for doing this blog. I was diagnosed with leukemia when I was 17, and while I don’t know what it’s like to have breast cancer, I can completely identify with so, so many of the things that you mention in your posts. I shaved my head just like yours at the beginning of my treatment, and have been wearing caps made of really soft, stretchy, comfortable fabric. The idea of wearing someone else’s hair on my head was always a little weird to me, but now that I’m approaching big, photo-op-ridden events like my senior prom and high school graduation, I think I’m gonna go for it and get a wig (or two)! Thanks for being my inspiration for that; I’m finally headed back to school next week and loved reading the posts you’ve written so far about fashion, hairstyles, and especially self-confidence as I get ready to re-enter the real—and real public—world.

    I love your attitude and can’t wait to read more posts about how you’re kicking this thing out of the park!


  179. Hi Krysta,
    I’m from Wales in the UK and have loved you from the minute I first heard the Addams Family soundtrack and have followed your career ever since. I thought you were amazing in Smash and your ‘Kiss and Tell’ blog for First Date was hilarious! Okay, fangirl moment done! First of all, this blog is fantabulous!!! I haven’t gone through the cancer experience myself but I know people who have and are and have already shown them your blog, which I can assure you has already helped them a great deal. Your attitude towards this entire ordeal is remarkable and so admirable and inspiring; it makes me want to wake up every morning and live life to the absolute fullest and has made me realise that beauty is not defined by the brands you sport or the way you style your hair. It’s by how big you smile and how positive your attitude is and I think you are such a fantastic example for young girls and women everywhere. If you weren’t an inspiration to me already, you certainly are now! Keep fighting the fight and win the war!

  180. Hi Krysta,
    I’m 17 (almost 18) years-old. Like you, cancer entered my life in the Fall of 2014. My mom was diagnosed with lower bowel cancer. Highly curable but needed aggressive chemo and radiation. I took on the role of being her sole care taker, which was the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I know it was no where near as hard as what my mom was going through. It was and still is very difficult, even though her 1st PET scan came back clear. During her treatment her appetite and taste were limited, but I found some things that helped. Some of the foods that she could keep down and felt “okay” in her raw and tastebud-less mouth were fresh canned peaches (even though they aren’t a great source of nutrition it goes down easy), tuna sandwiches (made with mayonnaise that has lime juice), lemon ginger honey tea, and creamy mashed potatoes. Another thing that helped with her taste was chewing L-Glutamine chews (the berry flavor) instead of choking down the L-Glutamine powder. I am so glad that you are thinking positively, I know it can be hard. The most important thing is to make sure you are surrounded by people who love you unconditionally (because chemo makes even a saint crabby and having someone to rub your back or hold you can make all the difference), remembering and, if necessary, forcing yourself to eat because keeping your body fueled is very important, and continue this blog. My mom has been keeping a journal since her diagnosis, and I know that when she (and you) looks back at this experience, she’ll realize that it was all temporary. A bump in the road. And that she (cliché alert) truly is stronger. I am sending you good vibes and prayers. You are so amazing. I have admired you since the moment I heard you on the Addams Family soundtrack because not only were you portraying my spirit animal aka Wednesday but you brought a unique energy to your work that I hadn’t heard/seen before and pushed me closer towards my decision to study theatre. You are also the main reason why I don’t think I’m weird anymore. All I say is: Define Normal.
    Krysta, you’re gonna kick cancer in the can!!! I know you probably won’t read this, but even so, I will be sending you positive vibes until I see you back on stage. Thank you for being you, and remember this is just a bump in the road.
    Lots of love,
    Samantha R
    (From LA,CA but moving to NY in Aug. to study Theatre at SUNY Purchase)

  181. You are such an inspiration! I loved you on Smash and was thrilled to find out your were going to be on season 2 of Chasing Life. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2008 at age 29. I got “the good kinda cancer,” or so they say, but NO cancer is good cancer. You always worry about it coming back, take pills for the rest of your life, etc. Though I didn’t have to go thru chemotherapy, my hair thinned out badly, but got to sport all kinds of cool wigs for a while. The perk is that you never have to worry about a bad hair day, though they ITCH! Keep on fighting and living life to the fullest. You are beautiful and a strong woman! Xo

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